

Friday, March 28, 2008

Fascinating Morning

So this morning, as I was walking past my car with cute adorable fuzzy JD, I happened to notice that someone was in my car. Yes, you read that correctly. He was all curled up on my front seat (seat back was down) and out cold. I was incredulous! My first instinct is, of course, the stupid one....to wake the idiot up and have him be on his way....but being a girl, I thought it wise that I enlist some help.

There were two gardeners that were mowing our front lawn so I politely asked them if they would help me remove the derelict from the vehicle. They were having none of it, saying that we weren't sure if he was armed, or if he was a violent person, etc and that I should call the police.

Before I continue the story, I have to insert here another stupid habit of mine is that I don't usually lock my car doors. It's a piece of dung car and I don't keep valuables in it, so I was always of the notion that if someone really wanted to steal my $2 sunglasses, I wasn't going to cry about it. Clearly, I wasn't thinking of people actually falling asleep in that piece of dung car.

So I go back inside the house and I call Scott to which I say, "Now I realize why I should lock my car doors at night" to which he replies, "Your car was broken into as well? I was just going through my truck to record what was stolen" to which I reply, "Ummm, he's still in my car, honey" to which he replies, "Call the police, I'm on my way home."

The cops are called and like a live-action episode of Cops, they staunchly creep up the driveway, guns drawn, proceed to yank open the car doors and declare, "San Diego police, let me see your hands!" The guy gets out and is cuffed.....they take all of his crap out of his pants (including a crack pipe and two items that he stole from Scott's truck) and then ask him why he was asleep in the vehicle. He then proceeds to tell them that he doesn't own the car but his friend does and his friend lets him pass out in there every now and then. Of course, the cops tell him that they know he's lying. At this point, Scott shows up, pissed and ready to go apeshit, but the cop meets him at the front of the lawn and tells him that he'd appreciate it if Scott would stay calm and not rip the suspect's head off. So instead, Scott just stood by me and glowered at the guy.

Today's lesson, kiddies: always lock your car doors and always check the car before you get in for random drug addicts that are wandering your neighborhood while you're asleep and decide that they'll catch some winks in your vehicle.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Cold

So many people, including my lovely and mouthy best friend, have accused me of forgetting what it was like to live in a cold region. I agree to an extent. Living in SoCal definitely has its benefits but if you don't live here, you don't realize the downside to our "winter"....most homes here don't have veritable heat. Overnight, the temps hit a low of 20-40 ... and coupled with a poor heating system, this can be quite frigid.

This past weekend, we had a "storm". I put it in quotes because I'm envisioning so many of my friends and family that are laughing at me for even thinking that San Diego would be subject to any storm patterns...

I took some pics of the "storm" in hopes to show you all that sometimes San Diego is not all sunshine and surfboards. Hail, motherfuckers, hail. Literally.

Monday, March 10, 2008

A Little Bit of Hollywood

For my Mom.....who I was thinking of when we were walking the Hollywood Walk of Fame. A little piece of the past for my Momma :)

Thank You To Stacey and Family

A nice photo of what arrived for me the day after the surgery....thank you to Stacey, Brian, Brendan, Sam, Delaney and Natalie!

Monday, March 3, 2008

White Wednesday, Thoughtful Thursday

Oh yeah, you read that right. White Wednesday, Thoughtful Thursday.

This Wednesday, I will be going under the knife so to speak in order to have the fetal matter removed. If I had to choose a color that would represent my feelings, it would be white. White represents purity. White represents renewal. White is an encompassing color, one that absorbs all feeling and still reflects hope. White is as clear and truthful as a mirror.

Some people might not like the honesty that the color white represents but I certainly appreciate it. So Wednesday is white. Wednesday is a day of rebirth. Wednesday is the day to say good-bye and welcome the future, the unknown.

Thursday will be a day dedicated to thoughts. A day where both Scott and I can reflect, a day where the both of us can smile and think to ourselves: we are healthy, we are happy, we are in love and we will face the future with our hands twined together.

Yep, that sounds sentimental and girly and emotional. Yep, it sounds like it is...it sounds like a memory. A sweet memory. Yet, moreso, it sounds like a very attainable future.

There's a wonderful song by Coldplay called "Fix You" that I would like to quote because in this moment, in these past few days, I've sung it over and over in my head. To Scott...a wonderful man who would give me the world if it was in his power. To my parents who have given me the essence of their world and support me fully in everything that I do and choose. To Livia and Christy who, miraculously, always know when I don't want to talk but send their comfort via omniscience. To Stacey and her family who remind me of the simplicity of love. To Jen, when toughness eluded me and she held me until I couldn't stop shaking and just recognized what I needed. To my Mom who taught me understanding. To my Dad whose perserverance and honesty lead by example more than speech. To my husband who taught me that sometimes it's OK to just give yourself to emotion no matter how uncomfortable it may be. To Cindy who can just give me Scotty-Bears forever...and ever....and ever....

Thank you everyone for your support.

Excerpt from "Fix You":

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
What could be worse?

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you.