

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

4 Months!

My little baby girl is growing up. She's almost an adult...if only she could form full words, I'd be all set! Today, Lu went for her 4 mo well check and did very well! She's now 25 inches long and weighs a mere 12.1 pounds (which cracked me up because she feels so much heavier!)...the doctor isn't concerned though. He said she's doing great! She was laughing and dancing on the table until she got her immunizations.

Man, that girl can turn from pasty white to beet red in about 2.5 seconds! But just like last time, she only cried for about 10-15 secs and then was fine. She cried a little in the car (probably because the straps were chafing her thigh puncture wounds) and then she cried a little at home. I gave her a bottle and put her to bed.

She's seriously so expressive, so clever, and so arrogant (she knows when she did something impressive, lol) that I can't help but think she's going to be like ME.

She's saying, "I don't like those needle thingies. I don't care how shiny the Band-Aids are!"

Got milk?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Just Because

No important things to say today. I'm just sharing some photos.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Taming of the Baby

So Luca has only been in daycare for three days and already she's tamed! Not only does my daycare lady have her in a nap routine (something that was UNHEARD OF) but she also has her liking the swing! To put this to the test, Scott and I put her in her own swing the other night....no cries, no whimpers, nothing. Only smiles and awe and then sleep. Unbelievable.

Monday, July 13, 2009

I'm Going to Cry

I'm in the home stretch, folks, and I have to admit that I don't like it. I just put Luca in daycare (I go back to work this Thursday and we had to pay for the whole week) and even though neither one of us cried, that doesn't mean that I don't want to. I've been fighting tears for almost an hour now. I know that it's good for us....I know that it'll be good for me to have three days to myself before going back to work....but even as I write this, I'm bothered that I can't hear her chattering away in the other room.

Happy thoughts. Got to think happy thoughts. We just got back from a week's vacation in the St. Louis area. Scott's brother Allen and his wife Mary have a beautiful camper overlooking a lake and we had such a wonderful time. Luca's first airplane ride went without a hitch (except for when I had to change her butt blowout on the plane....have you seen those stupid "changing tables"? And who was the smart guy that thought of installing the speaker right next to the head of the changing table? I thought Luca was going to stop breathing, she turned so purple....) and she even got her first set of wings! Continental was awesome to us....even though we'd bought two seats and had her listed as an infant-in-lap, they gave us an entire row so we could put her in her carseat for the long flight. Anyway, we spent a few days with Allen and Mary and their kids Andrew and Julia May. Then, Scott's mom Jan joined us from Michigan and then his little sister Ellen and her husband Joe and their three kids Bri, Danari and Geno got up in the fun action too. Seriously, all I could wonder is why we live so far away from family. It's times like these, when you have a small child, that you realize how important family is at this point of their lives. Luca had a blast with all of her aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents.

Scott's dad, who is in assisted living in Illinois, got to see both Luca and Geno for the first time. It was awesome to see him, to watch him with the babies and see how proud he was of them....

Luca on her first airplane ride....from San Diego to Houston....

Luca with her gorgeous but precocious cousin Julia May

View of Otter Lake from the camper

Luca on the boat with her sun hat

Daddy, Uncle Allen and Luca .... for her second dip in the ocean. Her first dip was with me and I don't think she liked it all that much. And I was afraid to handle her in the water. I kept thinking that her slippery self would squirm away from me and go PLUNK into the lake.

Julia May (in the water), Andrew, Mary and Luca on the tube!

Grandpa Tom, Luca and Daddy!

Danari and Bri, bringing on the sisterly love!

Scott and Luca, Joe and Geno....proud daddies with their spawn!

Luca going for her tenth dip or something like that. Daddy was much braver than Momma and had no problem keeping a grip on her.

Geno the Chunk. He is so freaking cute! In fact, Danari and Bri kept getting next to him and saying, "He's soooooooooo cute!"

Ellen's poopie crotch. This is what happens when you have infants....the blowouts are unpredictable. In fact, Luca has a beach named after her on Otter Lake: it's called Poop Beach for how many times she had a blowout when we got there.

The gang. Scott was driving the boat and I was taking the picture!

More pics to come....I just realized how many are on this post. Oops.