

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Five Whole Freakin' Months!

Luca turned five months this past Tuesday (sorry I didn't post anything but I wanted to include pics and I can only do that from home)...and here's what's been going on with the Cuddle-Bug. She can now flip herself over and do tummy time herself! This is such a milestone because she HATED tummy time and now suddenly it's kind of like, "No, don't worry, Daddy, I got this!" She's lifting herself up on her arms and holding her head pretty steady. She still likes to dance and kick but now she's giggling a lot! She likes playing with her toys on her toy mat and listening to me read vampire smut to her. She's just fine with her baths now as long as I give them to her while she's sitting in the Bumbo chair....Scott has even hopped in there and given her some baths too. Her hair is growing....she's got this cap of fuzz on her head. Some days it looks darker than others but right now it's like a reddish blonde. She likes watching sports. In fact, she usually doesn't pay much attention to the TV unless there is something sports related on. She's napping and sleeping fine as well, and in a few weeks she'll be able to enjoy pureed food from the jar along with rice cereal and oatmeal! Whoooopppppeeeeee! I've decided to just feed her naked and then take her to the tub afterwards, lol.

Here are some photos of LuLu in all of her grown-up 5-month glory:

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Happiness is a Virtue

Good God, we have one of the happiest babies alive! We went from trying to figure out why she wouldn't stop screeching every day to a very well-balanced, giggly, observant baby....she's absolutely amazing. I think she bespells everyone she comes into contact with. I would say it's those gigornomous, sparkling blue eyes but her cuddly, sweet and happy demeanor is the real winner, I think.

In two days, Luca turns 5 months. In some ways, I feel like I blinked and missed it and then in other ways, I feel like it took so long to reach this milestone. The passing of time really is strange....like a fast-moving locomotive caught in a wrinkle that causes everything to be in slow-motion. Anyway, it's been a month since I've shared, so here are some recent photos of The Luca.

Not to mention, my mom has been clamoring for an update...lol...

Here she is..pooping...

And tummy time with Papi...

And trying to eat her burp cloth....