

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Well Check!

Luca Lu went to the doctor today for her 6-month well check. She's now 26 inches long and weighs a WHOPPING 15.9 pounds! She's doing well....no issues or worries.

As I'm sure most of you Facebookers know, Luca had a lovely first introduction to peas (she tries some green beans later on today)....she's also learning to feed herself a bottle of water. Very cute indeed. I'm trying to teach her "Mama" but so far, no luck. And she really loves the toys that Auntie Stacey picked out for her, especially that crinkly lion that we named Leo. She likes to eat his feet.

We miss everyone and we can't wait to see you all again in November. Here are some cute pics of Lucazilla.

Monday, September 28, 2009

In Random Celebration

Scott took this photo and I thought it was amazing. Look at that head of red hair!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Happy 6 Months, Luca!

These pics were just taken this morning and today, the little peapod is officially six months old! Soon, her life will be overwhelmed with strange items like sippie cups and pureed veggies and spoons and bowls and *GASP* fruit! She's doing great! The other day, she managed to get herself up on one knee and lunge forward. Of course, it looked awkward and silly but to me, it was the coolest freaking thing ever. I'm amazed by what amazes me.

She continues to chatter away in her nonsensical chatter, but every now and then, she'll bust out with "Da-Da" and "Duh-dee". She likes to pronounce her hard g's and she gets really excited with herself when she does it. She likes to kick me. Hard. She also enjoys chewing on everything and anything, including my hand and the rattles that hang above her on the playmat (she looks like she's bobbing for apples) and she still enjoys me reading seriously hardcore horror stories to her. We've moved from vampires to zombies. She doesn't seem to mind the walking dead at all! That's my girl!

And here is Scott, opening his birthday present from Luca. She made him an "I Love My Daddy" book, complete with the coolest photos ever!

Next time, we'll be posting Luca's first taste of food!!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Lucazilla and the Pukey Rice Cereal!

OK, this kid is way too funny! As you all probably know, she's cut her first tooth and it's a honker....but she'll also get to start eating pureed foods soon so I wanted to get her used to rice cereal and using a spoon. The other night, I put her in the Bumbo chair, got a bowl of rice cereal ready and gave her her first taste of eating like big people do.

She took to the spoon like a pro but she so did not like the rice cereal! Here she is...entirely unhappy that I was making her consume such foul-tasting garbage:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lucazilla and the Amazing Airplane Trip!

Well, as most of you probably know by now, Luca and I took an impromptu trip back to Boston for the wake and funeral of my magnanimous Nana Yola. The little midget did such a great job on all four flights AND at the wake....she also pulled a nice little magic trick and managed to help people smile in a time of such great sadness.

My little girl is getting so big so fast! I can't believe she'll be six months next week! She's so much fun to watch as she is getting more curious and alert and happy and observant. She loves to look around and watch people! And of course, this past Saturday, she cut her first tooth! I couldn't believe it....one minute is was a bit of swollen gums and the next, she was biting me. Love nibbles.

Here are some pics of Luca in Boston and then Luca supporting Daddy's NFL team, the Oakland Raiders (don't ask...this is just proof that no one can be perfect, lol):