

Thursday, June 24, 2010


What a crazy couple of months! After almost three years of writing, editing, rewriting, re-editing, rereading and then rewriting my book, after almost three years of obsessing, after three years of randomly dropping everything because inspiration hit, after three years of forming characters who I fell in love with, I finally can say that my book might actually hit bookshelves!

A few months ago, I sent the manuscript to an agent - he read it, but then declined the project, saying that he felt I was a strong writer but the story wasn't up his alley. I sent it to another agent, a friend of a friend, and he loved the story and has agreed to represent me and my "blood, sweat and tears". I'm so excited! I'm still a long way from being published but just taking those initial steps, and then having someone believe in you and your writing - I can't tell you how sweet that feels.

So far it has been an amazing experience for me, and the one thought that I'd never dared to entertain while I was writing this book - the one that included the actual possibility of getting published - is now closer to becoming a reality. Dare to dream!