

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Blob

Hi All! Everyone, meet Fetus. Fetus would say hi if it could but it's kind of floating around like an embryonic blob right now!

Fetus is only 8 weeks and 5 days old (a product of the "Welcome Back" sex after my visit to Boston over Thanksgiving) and is due to meet the world as an actual Lil Human on September 6th. Future momma-to-be and her slightly jiggly belly are doing just fine. Future poppa-to-be is pleased as pie and predicting a son.

Fetus looks forward to travelling with Momma and Poppa, eating pureed foods, being coddled (and possibly spanked for insolence when it reaches toddler-hood), chasing the dogs around with wreckless abandon, and grossing Poppa out with its nasty-smelling, diaper-clad ass.

We are hoping to introduce Fetus as a Lil Human to the Bostonians around Christmas. Of course, we'll update the photo when Fetus looks less like an amoeba and more like an actual human!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Lights Out Time!!!!

For those of you that may not remember what happened last year when the Patriots travelled to San Diego to take on the Chargers (who were heavily favored to go to their first Super Bowl trip) in an AFC Divisional match-up, here's a bit of a reminder:

Shawne Merriman, linebacker extraordinaire for the Chargers, went on San Diego television and guaranteed a win, proclaiming that he would be all over Brady and up in his shit. Fast forward to the end of the game when Nate Kaeding, the Chargers golden boy kicker, missed the chip shot that would've tied the game. Patriots win on the Chargers home turf and then proceeded to do the "Lights Out" dance that made Merriman famous in the middle of Qualcomm, thus enraging LaDainian Tomlinson, NFL's premiere running back. LT later proclaimed that the Patriots were "classless" and that was a reflection of their coach, Bill Belichek (whom I refer to as God).

That being said, everyone in San Diego is now viewing this upcoming AFC Championship match-up as a possiblity for revenge. In my eyes, it is simple: If you talk smack before the game, you should be able to take it when the team you guaranteed that you would beat bests you. Charger fans would like nothing better than to pull an upset, go to their first Super Bowl AND get to dance in the middle of Gillette Stadium (although I maintain that if the Chargers were to pull off such an amazing feat, Patriots fans would most likely storm the field and beat the shit out of those marauders with crowbars).

This has made for an interesting week thus far. Of course, true to my usual wiseass nature, I am donning my Brady jersey every single day up until the game is over. I personally enjoy the hisses and the barbs that come my way from the shadowy corners of FOX6's corridors ... this has prompted the "diehard" Charger fans (I say this because three years ago, the Chargers didn't have any fans but suddenly that bandwagon is laden with a bunch of cocky trash-talkers) to start talking their shit, proclaiming an upset and insisting that they will be the team to end the Pats winning streak. My favorite comment still is when a coworker mumbled almost incoherently: "They have to lose sometime." To which I replied, "Why?"

Also putting a bug up the Charger fans' butts is the fact that Junior Seau, who played for the Chargers but then retired because he wasn't being utilized, came out of retirement to play for our hometown boys in blue. I would like nothing more than to see Seau get a few sacks in on Rivers this weekend. That is, if Rivers even plays at all.

Nothing against the Chargers. They do have a good team this year and the way they played the Colts last Sunday, with several key players hurt and on the sidelines, was laudable. I even congratulated Charger fans on the great game their team played. But let's be honest, I want the Patriots to steamroll over the Bolts on Sunday... just so I can sit smug in my chair come Monday morning. No, I won't rub it in. I'll just let the arrogance roll off of me in waves and infuse itself into the hallways, thus jabbing at all those fans who are too cocky for reason. I mean, if your team has never won a Super Bowl and you're going up against an undefeated team who sports the likes of Tom Brady (MVP!!!), Randy Moss and Wes Welker, do you really think one should be talking smack and eagerly (and unreasonably) predicting victory? Silly, silly Charger fans. For that reason alone, I hope that the Pats not only win but I hope it's a freaking blowout.

Robincita's wish: Pats 55, Chargers 3. Let's see if we can bring that wish to fruition, shall we?

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

More pics from Bolivia

The first pics are of me and Scott eating a Bolivian delicacy called "anticuchos", which is cooked slabs of cow heart. Yeah, you may think it's gross but it is sooo freaking yummy! Then, there are pics of Scott and I feeding the pigeons on the square in downtown La Paz. Every Bolivian child has a photo of themselves doing this when they're little, so we got in a little of the action. You just buy little bags of kernels from a vendor and go for it. It was raining so they weren't as passionate as they usually are. The last photo is of Scott and I on our last morning in the Yungas. I don't know if you can see it but there's a raging river behind us.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

More of the trip....

Sorry everyone, I'll chill after this post....there's just so much to share!

Me and Rirro, the amazing Whiskey Drinking Machine. Tivo takes up the end. They were teaching me a drinking song...."Tome, tome, tome! Chupa, chupa, chupa! Seco, seco, seco!"

Me and Scott, Tim and Liv, New Year's Eve 2007. "I believe in miracles! There you are, you sexay thang!"

There were water slides at the resort....this is one of Scott's more amusing photos!

More of the Bolivian Experience

The group of Bolivians BEFORE the drunken gaity began. Don't they all look so innocent?

Me and Livia, ready to get our freak on.

Scott and I, on top of the mountain, during our hike through the Yungas. Isn't that view amazing?

A Little Taste of Our New Year....and Bolivia....

Scott and I at the resort in the Yungas.

Me in the front, then Adri who is hidden behind my big head and then Tivo. Crazy drunken Bolivians!

Me on our hike when we were hacking through the jungles and climbing mountains. This is on the river near the waterfall.