

Thursday, February 28, 2008

No Good Way To Tell Bad News...

Unfortunately, Scott and I discovered yesterday that we lost the baby. There was nothing in particular that caused it; in fact, the doctor said that 20% of known pregnancies result in miscarriage.

I went in for a routine screening and discovered that Lil F (as we've been affectionately referring to it as) did not have a heartbeat. I have an appointment on Wednesday to undergo a minor surgery that will remove the fetal matter. The only other choice is to wait for my body to reject it and honestly, I doubt that either myself or Scott could take that. I've been assured by the doctors that I will still be able to get pregnant and hopefully, carry a child to term.

We are doing as well as to be expected. We're still recovering from the shock of it all and we've chosen to not call anyone at the moment because it's still too raw and emotional. To those of you that we've called or notified, we thank you for your support and love. We certainly know that in times like this, you just want to do something, anything, to help but there really is nothing that can be said or done.

In honor of Lil F, we thought it would be fun to post some pictures of Scott, myself and the pugs. When sad times hit, it is always helpful to look at the positive: we're both healthy and we have a great little family. Even though our family would've been sweeter with a baby, we are happy to have each other and our pugs and we know in our hearts that someday we will become awesome parents.


Scottito said...

I love you baby and we will get through this...you are the love of my life and I know that someday we will get to share our love with a little one other than the four legged variety. You WILL be a great Mom!!
Love you more with each moment that we spend together!!!

Stacey said...

Robin & Scott:
Words cannot express how my heart is breaking for the two of you. Just know that we are here for you no matter what and if you need us day or night we are here. On another note, we know that someday you will make wonderful parents and that time will heal your mind and body. Love you more than words can say and we are, once again, sorry you are going through this difficult time. Much love & I only wish you lived closer so I could come hug you in person. Cyber hugs......

lindavaicius said...

From Mom & Dad,

Dear Robin & Scott,
We Can't begin to tell you how much our heart aches for the both of you. We can only imagine the pain and sorrow that you are feeling and wish we could be there with you right now. However, the strength that you both have is really amazing and shows just how strong your love for each other really is. There is no doubt in our minds that in the future you will have a healthy happy child and be the best parents ever! We are so sad that you have to go through this, but please know that you are not alone, our hearts are aching with yours. We are just so very sorry!!!!

We love you with all our heart and miss you so much.

Julie Vaicius said...

Ah the pugs...always make me smile.
You guys are in our prayers.
julie and the rest of the NOLA Vaci

Christy and Cynthia said...

Robin and Scott,

I'm sorry that it took us so long to comment. To be honest, I was so upset after I got the call from Stacey that I couldn't bring myself to look at your blog and read the details. You have both been on our minds CONSTANTLY over the past few days. We love you both SOOOO much and we are here for you always!!!

lindavaicius said...

MOM & DAD Just want to remind you that ....