

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Something to Look Forward To

I love it when there's something to look forward to! No, I'm not necessarily excited about my 33rd birthday (hissssss, I'm still 28, you know). So what is it, you ask yourselves? What could possibly have me so excited that my enthusiastic anticipation has reached a dizzying crescendo?


In exactly 37 days, my beautiful little sister and her wonderful woman will be storming into San Diego .... this poor city has no idea what it's in for!!!! Anyway, it is definitely something to look forward to and I can't wait to see them!!!!! YAY! Whoooooppppppeeeeeeeee!!!! Can we fast-forward time?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Odds and Ends

Life is really freaking strange sometimes. I had an interesting week and seeing where for the past month nothing extremely interesting has happened, I figured I'd write about it.

My last post was about friends resurfacing from the past. It's such a wonderful thing to be found after a certain amount of years, and it's amazing to gossip, catch up, giggle, and to fall back into place as if there were a little wrinkle in time...as if you jumped from ten years ago to the present in a matter of a few minutes. As wonderful as it was to be refounding a friendship that seemed lost, someone else found me recently that gave me cause to wonder: What about those previous friends that you might not want to be in contact with again? What if there were things that happened that needed to be mended and what if the rift was too great to bridge?

Of course, someone from my past, someone that I was once good friends with, found me and made contact. I will not name this person because her identity is not important to the story but when I received a message from her, my first thought was "I don't think I want to answer." I did give myself a few hours and I thought about it....and I decided to respond but I didn't do so with blinders on. I fully understood that in order for us to be friends again, there needed to be some reconciliation for unpleasant occurrences. I also figured that my memories might be entirely different from hers. I am no longer a person to ignore things, I am no longer someone that can pretend that things in life didn't happen or that they don't need to be addressed. Life is too short to embroil oneself in strife. Needless to say, I said my piece and it seems as if we weren't meant to be friends after all.

On to more interesting, and disheartening, things that happened this week. This morning, my good friend was let go, along with a few handfuls of others, and I'll be honest....it pissed me off. Yeah, yeah, I know it's the way of the world and I know that we're all under a corporate thumb, yadda, yadda, yadda...but I don't have to like it and I won't pretend that I do. For someone like Jen, who works hard, has an incomparable work ethic, who questions everything, who is literally that "irreplaceable" employee in a world where everyone can be replaced, to lose her job just sickens me. She took it well...a consummate professional.....but the office will be a quieter, bleak little shadow of a place without her dynamic presence there.

Who the hell is going to make fun of Olympic diving with me now????

On a GOOD note...every day that passes brings my Critty and Cindy closer to their trip to San Diego and I can't freaking WAIT!!!!!!! Get out here already! I hope everyone is doing well and I'll chat with you all soon!