

Monday, November 17, 2008

Halfway Point

Today marks the halfway point to this pregnancy....YAY!!!! I've been getting some not-so-subtle requests for belly photos and they're coming soon. Scott had to work last night and he'll be out tonight too so I'll have to hanker down this week to get some pics taken and downloaded.

Be patient, my little pickles, they're on the way!


lindavaicius said...


Stacey said...

auntie stacey is waiting (impatiently might i add....tap tap tap). LOL.
When is your ultrasound btw? I cannot wait to see body parts (not the sexual kind, just you know, the feet and stuff :)

Love ya and once at the halfway mark, the fun begins. I can't wait!

Christy and Cynthia said...

When are the boobie pics coming on??? lol...j/k

Can't wait to see the belly pics! Love you and miss you!

Robincita said...

Chill, everyone, chiiiiiiiill. The photos will be out sometime this week, I just have to find time to get Scott and I in the same room for longer than 15 minutes so he can use his new camera.

As for the ultrasound, I do not know. I see the doctor again the first week of December so hopefully I'll know something then.

And the boob pics are coming soon to a blog near you :) Because my nipples are HUGE.

lindavaicius said...

No we don't want to see the nipples, (please) just the Belly and the ultra sound! Christy you are a little instigator, stop that!


Christy and Cynthia said...

Bring on the big nips!!!!