

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Doctor Scales Are Evil When You're Fat

OK, so I know it's politically incorrect to call a pregnant woman fat because "she's carrying a child" and all that jazz, but it's OK if I call myself fat because despite the fact that I am carrying a child, I am also carrying an extra layer of lard allegedly in preparation to pop this sucker out. So I'm enacting preemptive strike to all of you who want to write a comment that reads something like "you're not fat, you're carrying a baby" by saying, yes I am carrying a baby but I'm also fat. I'm OK with it. It kind of comes with the territory.

That being said, has anyone ever noticed how evil doctor scales can be when you're fat? I swear to GOD, they calibrate those things to read an additional five pounds. I suppose it doesn't help that they weigh you before you pee (subtract a pound there) and of course, they weigh you with your boots on (subtract two pounds there) and fully clothed (subtract another 1-2 pounds depending on if you're wearing lightweight clothes or not)....so seriously, already, you should be shedding 5 pounds off of your initial weigh-in. And there is still no way in hell I weigh as much as that stupid scale claims.

Now, at home, I have the luxury of what my friends call the "magic scale" because for some odd reason, it is calibrated incorrectly (I think it's because it's an old one) and it removes 5 pounds from your weight. Yes, you read that correctly. It's magical, I swear. So the home scale puts me at 142-143 which means that in actuality, I should be about 147-148. The doctor's scale yesterday put me at *GULP* 154.5.

WTF??????? Even subtracting the 4.5 pounds for clothes and urine build-up, I still weight 2-3 pounds over what I should be. The doctor's scale? EVIL. That's what this means. To further prove my theory, I will be hitting the gym today in a sad attempt at strengthening my less-than-energetic blob of a body prior to childbirth and I will be weighing in butt ass naked on the gym scale.

I'll let you know what it says. Or maybe I won't. It depends on if I'm crying too hard to type without error.


lindavaicius said...

Oh Robin, those drs scales are way off, I hate them too.Don't worry about your weight I think you look great! Remember the weight is not really all you and its natural to gain weight thats not in your control. When Hobbit pops out on April 4th, you will see how fast you will lose the weight. Don't stress over it, it happens to all pregnant women!

I love & miss you.....love, momma.

Stacey said...

Ok, you would have the sister who just finished up her maternity rotation and can break it down for ya. So here it goes: They always say you gain 25-40 lbs during pregnancy. heres the breakdown:

Fetus: 7- 8.5 lbs
Placenta: 2 - 2.5 lbs
Amniotic fluid- 2 lbs
uterine tissue increase 2 lbs
breast tissue- 1- 4 lbs
increased blood volume 4-5 lbs
increased tissue fluid- 3- 5 lbs
increased fat stores- 4 -6 lbs

So there you have it. It not all under your control. Now when hobbit comes on out what you will be left with will be whatever you ate!!! Hope that helps.......you look good sista. Lookin good. And dont forget the focus here- a healthy lil' one!

PS Who the hell called you fat???? I'll smack em

Robincita said...

No one called me fat. Well, wait, I called myself fat. You wouldn't smack a pregnant woman, would you?

Thanks for the breakdown that makes me feel a little better.

However, the gym scale never lies and I was correct!!!! I'm 148!!!! Whooppppppeeeeeeee!!!!!

Unknown said...

Robin, you are the cutest pregnant woman I've ever seen. I've seen women gain like seventy pounds when pregnant (Family size boxes of mac n' cheese so not a pretty site) So don't worry Mama Vaicius-Campbell.Everything is going to be okay and you will be back in fighting form before you know it. Oh yeah....and remember....Kara loves you.

Christy and Cynthia said...

If it makes you feel any better my ass is currently 150 lbs...and i'm not pregnant!!! So, I am working the Wii Fit like you wouldn't believe! But, you look great and I love you!