

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hobbit Update

Although I'm really tempted to post a blog about Obama's inauguration, I'll hold off until tomorrow because it's still currently going on. I will insert this, however: during his inauguration speech this morning, I not only felt like I was a part of history but I also likened the event to how American citizens must've felt when Kennedy was sworn in so many decades ago. It was that poignant. I think this day will be remembered ages from now with the question of "Where were you when Obama took office?" And most everyone will remember.

That being said, Hobbit kicked and stretched and flipped while the President was giving his speech. I'm proud that my child will enter the world in this new era.

OK, on to the Hobbit update. All is going well! Nothing too much to report except weight gain (to which I'm still bothered about). Hobbs (as Stacey has affectionately dubbed it) has been hopping around in there but there's no rhyme or reason to its movements. Last night, we started our first baby class which was definitely fun and informative. This Saturday, we go on our hospital tour and we're probably registering for all the baby goodies this weekend as well. I started looking into pediatricians and filling out my maternity leave forms so that it'll be done when I need to start sending it all in. And of course, I started contemplating making the many lists that I have to make: what to register for, what to pack in the baby bag (besides the bottle of wine to celebrate, lol), baby names, etc, etc, etc. I think I might have to make a list of all the lists I need to make.

It's now officially starting to feel "real". Not saying that it hasn't been real since the first little fetal nudge to this point, but there is a moment where it suddenly becomes an attainable event....something that will be tangible....

Throughout this entire process, I've been fairly even-keeled. I'm not normally overly emotional anyway (there was that horrible hormonal stretch at the start of the second trimester where Scott couldn't say hello without me screeching at him but I'm choosing to forget that teeny tiny lapse of emotional balance) and I'm not really much of a worrier. I'm not bothered by the prospect of giving birth...perhaps because I've been present at one? Not sure....I suppose I just know that the baby's got to come out somehow. I suppose, when we hit March and we're getting the room ready for Hobbit's entrance into the world, it'll then feel overwhelmingly real but I've got to be honest, I'm not the least bit scared, apprehensive, worried....none of it.....it'll happen when it happens and the way it's going to happen.

I'm more so at a happy place. I'm starting to really get energy back. I'm starting to feel normal again (as normal as I can be anyway, which in actuality isn't really normal but hey, you know what I meant). Sure, it'll be weird as hell to be a mom at first but I don't think I'll be the usual mom....yes, I'll change it and feed it and clothe it, but I know I have something unique to offer and I'm kind of looking forward to it.

And hey, if I screw the kid up too much, there's always therapy.

Yesterday, at baby class, there was another fun little gender-predicting moment. There were 13 couples in the class, and of course, we're the only "surprise" to-be-parents. The teacher asks me to stand up so she can guess the gender and proclaims that it's a girl by the way I'm carrying. I then explain that since the start of this pregnancy, nothing has actually pointed toward one sex or the other: yes I crave sweets but I'm all belly. The heart rate is in between, my feet are always cold, my looks haven't been affected, etc, etc, etc. I've heard them all. The Chinese gender chart predicted a girl for one of my friends but then told me a boy when I did it. So why should last night be any different?

Out of the 13 couples in the class, 6 were having girls and 6 were having boys. So, of course, we're the tie-breaker. Scott and I got a little chuckle out of that...this baby is determined to stay a mystery until it finally squeezes it's way out through the vaginal canal and comes shrieking into this world. Strangely enough, I kind of like the whole gender enigma. It makes it so much more exciting when you actually think about giving birth...because you have NO FREAKING CLUE what's going to come out.

I wanted to throw a shout-out to my poor sickie Momma and her sick Momma. I hope you both feel better soon. We love you and we're thinking about you both!


Grumpy said...

Thanks for the update, you know I love to hear all about Hobbit. You sound like you are gettig so excited about lil Hobbit, thats great!All I need to see now in a photo of your BELLY! HURRY! HURRY! HURRY!!

Oh, and I have 2 new names for you...1)Gaylord
2) Gilda

Put them on your list.

Much love to you all..Muah!!!

Grumpy said...

Thanks for the update, you know I love to hear all about Hobbit. You sound like you are gettig so excited about lil Hobbit, thats great!All I need to see now in a photo of your BELLY! HURRY! HURRY! HURRY!!

Oh, and I have 2 new names for you...1)Gaylord
2) Gilda

Put them on your list.

Much love to you all..Muah!!!

Grumpy said...

Thanks for the update, you know I love to hear all about Hobbit. You sound like you are gettig so excited about lil Hobbit, thats great!All I need to see now in a photo of your BELLY! HURRY! HURRY! HURRY!!

Oh, and I have 2 new names for you...1)Gaylord
2) Gilda

Put them on your list.

Much love to you all..Muah!!!

Grumpy said...

OH, Grumpy is me Grandma. I had started a new blog but never finished it, lol....

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. I love that you'll be surprised on the big day. Too fun! You'll be a great mom, no doubt in my mind!

Grumpy said...

How the heck did I get on there 3 times with the same saying??????