

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Teeth and Babies Don't Mix

What is it about us Vaicius women? We cannot seem to get through a pregnancy without some sort of oral issues....

I went to a dental specialist today because last week, I was struck down with a raging headache...so painful that my OB actually prescribed Tylenol with codeine. After the headache went away, the root of the problem became evident: a toothache. Great.

The specialist, who was a very nice gentlemanly man, told me that a tooth that I'd previously had a root canal on was infected. What does this mean, you ask? Several things: firstly, I have to treat the infection (which means I have to call my poor OB AGAIN to find out if I can take the antibiotics that will undoubtedly make me sick to my stomach because I'm allergic to penicillin so they have to give me the other stuff); secondly, they may have to re-treat the root canal (which entails them removing the crown and post, going up into the tooth and into the root to clean it out again but may not work because it appears that the canal is blocked). The third option, and probably the BEST and most cost effective scenario, is that they perform a simple surgery to go into the gum and around the tooth and surgically remove the small portion that is currently infected.

So what's the problem, you ask? Why not go for the surgery? Oh, because they have to use a drug that he is pretty certain I cannot take while pregnant.

Lovely. Simply lovely. So for now, I'm going to take the antibiotics in hopes that the abscess is what is causing the tenderness....and hope that the situation will remain stable until I give birth. Can I smack someone now?


lindavaicius said...

OMG! you poor thing. That stinks! If the tooth is in the back than I say just pull the sucker out. However, I have never heard of that happening, I guess it can only happen to Robin. Sorry! I hope the antibotics work for you and stable the tooth, I will say a prayer.

Love you Mom, wish I was there to give you a big hug.

Christy and Cynthia said...

I'm so sorry!!! Hopefully the antibiotics work and will hold you off until Hobbit pops out! Love you! Feel better!

P.S. Your package is on its way!