

Monday, January 12, 2009

Weird Moment for the Day

I can almost hear the collective "What?" coming from all of your mouths but I had to share my weird moment for the day. In fact, it might take the prize for the weirdest moment in my entire pregnancy.

I went to the gym today, and as I was changing in the locker room, a woman approached me (keep in mind that I was clad only in my panties and a sports bra), cupped my stomach like it was a genie lamp, rubbed it, and said "Oh, you look so cute!"

I froze. What does one do? I momentarily envisioned myself rearing back and delivering a nice solid punch to her face but my usually-buried demure side surfaced and took control. I think the only reason why I didn't deck her was because she was clearly not from this country and I don't think she understood her creepy faux-pas. Instead, I put a shirt on quickly and hurried along....but seriously, who does that? I almost want to write to Dear Abby and ask her what to do in the event that it was to ever happen again.

I mean, I've had strangers touch the belly before but I'd always been clothed. Very, very weird moment indeed.


lindavaicius said...

ummm, I would have rubbed her ass and said..oh you look so cute too! lol. just kidding! Sounds to me like where she is from its o.k. to rub a pregnant womens Belly. I take it as all good, she said something nice.

Christy and Cynthia said...

I agree with Mom. You totally should've given her a good booty rubbin' or you should have rubbed her boobs and said..."mmmm those are nice".

Stacey said...

I have to say that was one of the things that drove me nuts......its like one's belly becomes public property during pregnancy. I agree, it is strange that she would touch a practically naked pregnant womans belly but i think that her lack of understanding our culture probably had something to do with it. I think I would have been caught off guard and speechless too.......for once. LOL

Anonymous said...

That's a great story. People are so strange.