

Sunday, February 22, 2009

No Photos Yet

Sorry about that, mis leches dulces, but I've been sick as a dog for the past two weeks. I seem to have caught three separate strains of the flu or something and once one went away, BAMMO, I'd get another. Currently, I have the cold-flu thing that has me hacking up germs and erupting snot from my reddened nose. I did learn that Puffs Plus tissues really are soft on the nose. I recommend them.

Needless to say, I have not been at my most attractive and I refuse to post photos of myself (bulbous and all) with watery eyes, runny nose and general pallid appearance. I do, however, have some fun things planned for some upcoming photos so I ask that you continue to be patient as I recover from my collection of illnesses.

As for Hobbit, it seems to be doing fine in there. Movement is normal, my last check-up was normal and tomorrow I am officially only a mere 6 weeks away!!! We have our last childbirth prep class tomorrow night as well and then our baby showers, and then our "how to not drop your newborn on its head" class. March will be a fairly busy month for us but I'm glad to be in the home stretch. It'll be an awesome thing when I can take something other than Tylenol and saline nasal spray for a freaking cold. And man, oh man, I can't wait for my first headache so I can pop two Advil without thinking twice.....sigh.....


Christy and Cynthia said...

Oh you poor thing!!! Hope you feel better soon! I have no idea how you are coping without advil...I pop two of those suckers a day!!! Advil is candy to us Vaicius girls! Love you and miss you!

Anonymous said...

I need an invite to one of your showers, I must see this belly in person!

Anonymous said...

Oh Robin, I hope you are feeling better so soon. Love ya

lindavaicius said...


Stacey said...

sorry to hear you are still not feeling well sis....I remember when I had the PE and couldn't take anything but tylenol! That was a long 6 months.....and the pregnancy months......lordy - thank god I had fioricet!
6 weeks to go......that's only 42 days and counting! Hope ya feel better. Love ya