

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Single Digit Countdown

It's the FINAL COUNTDOWN!!!!!! DUM, DUM, DUM, DUM.....cue music here.

This Monday, I've entered the single digit countdown. It's on, folks! T-minus 9 weeks and counting!!!!

I had my check-up yesterday and all is well. Baby growth and movement is fine, baby positioning is fine, yadda, yadda, yadda. Mommy's weight is soooo not fine but whatever. Water off a duck's back and all that. I now go to the doc every two weeks, although let's be honest, nothing overwhelmingly exciting happens in the doctor's office anymore. My energy, strangely enough, has peaked. I'm cooking again (YAY) although not as often but I'm not feeding us nuke-a-meals or boxed mac-n-cheese anymore. There's actual honest-to-goodness leftovers in the fridge and our freezer is stocked! The weather is nice, so of course, I'm thinking of getting my stuff ready for the garden in a few weeks. I think I've also hit the nesting stage...I keep thinking to myself "I need to do something with this room" but the problem is that I'm not sure what. So I just kind of sit around, baffled and wondering, staring off into space. I can't really work on the baby's room yet until we have the baby showers so I haven't even wasted a thought in that direction yet. I'll probably scrub the room down the weekend prior to the shower so that we can hit the ground running.

Baby class is interesting. I read a lot so I know most of what they're teaching us already, but it's still interesting nonetheless. Yesterday, we learned all about vacuum extractors (which I actually witnessed at Kymberli's labor), epidurals (again, witnessed one), pain meds, forceps, episiotomies...all the fun stuff. What makes me giggle is all of the people that tell their friends' horror stories to a roomful of bulbous, hormonal preggers women. Some of these poor moms might have coronaries before they even go into labor.... I've been fairly relaxed about the whole thing. I mean, the kid's coming out whether you want it to or not. Why stress about it?

As of late, we've been out and about a little and the predictions on the gender continues: with about an even result. Some are saying because I'm now carrying high that I'm having a girl, but some claim that because I'm more belly than anything, it must be a boy. Nine more weeks, and the world will know!

There is a little good news: the antibiotics seemed to have worked for the moment. Let's hope that the infection stays away long enough for me to pop this sucker out, recover and then have dental surgery.

That's all for this edition of As The Hobbit Turns.

1 comment:

lindavaicius said...

Great update! Glad to hear all is well with you & HobbitI didn't know that carring high means that you are having a Girl, thats news to me. I thought you were carring low, you must have changed recently. In any event, you're right. Why stress about labor and all for some reason each woman has to have the worse birth story.. like oh, my baby came out sideways and I thought I would die, the stitches were up to the back of my neck.Hogwash!! Sorry I don't have any horror stories for you. Oh, and not to mention right after stace had Brendan she said....that was not bad, I will do it again lol, and she did! thanks stacey.

Yaaaaaay! 9 weeks we are all getting so excited!!

Love you, Momma