

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Food Poisoning, Vampires, Farewell Parties and Baby Love

Wow, what a crazy few days! If anything, I can certainly say that having a child forces you to be able to adapt to change...and quickly. That's what's been happening over the last 48 hours. Things just rapidly changed and then changed back and then changed again. Weird.

Yesterday, Scott was craving Chinese food and went on a search for a new restaurant. Personally, I thought the food sucked but he seemed to enjoy it...and as we would discover, eating that takeout would spark an interesting evening. Yes, I'm sure you've guessed from the title of this post that Scott got a nasty bout of food poisoning. Poor dude was up all night puking and...well, ridding his body of the toxins, so to speak.

For the past 48 hours, Luca has been an absolute angel. I'm unsure if it's because Scott was home but she was good for me when Scott was in another room so I'm hoping that the incessant screaming (that only seems to occur when I'm home alone with her) is slowly starting to wane out? I'm hoping. I'd also like to take this moment to say that a few of my sarcastic comments on facebook were taken out of context. I've always been a weird person so when I say things like "my baby hates me", please know that I don't really believe she hates me. I thought it was a funny comment but it appeared to have sparked concern on several levels. Of course, I know that Luca doesn't hate me. I haven't done anything to warrant such hatred yet anyway but I have her whole life to cause emotional damage .... (JOKING, JOKING)! Anyway, I thought that I would let you know that she has not been a screeching banchee today!

Last night, we went to Nick and Diane's farewell party....well, it was Diane's farewell party to her old job. She finally quit that shithole. Luca was really good and Mommy got to enjoy herself with friends. Halfway through the soiree, however, Scott didn't look to good and that's where the evening went downhill (healthwise anyway). We got home just in time for him to run to the bathroom and pretty much live in there all night long. So Hobbit and I hung around watching TV and reading a vampire book. I swear, that kid is going to know how to hide bodies by the time she's two. I'll be so proud!

And who would ever suspect this innocent little face? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Updates from PJ-Ville

Here's Luca at 4 weeks old. I think I was supposed to put a "one month" sign underneath her but she was so damn miserable that day that this is the only pic I got of her where she wasn't screeching. I'm not sure what got her attention but I was grateful for the 5-seconds of fascination that enabled me to not hear incessant crying.

Of course, now everyone thinks I'm lying through my teeth. I'm starting to think that Luca just hates me because she's sweet as pie for everyone, including Scott. He comes home and she cuddles with him and makes faces and giggles and then sleeps. But for me, the person who is home with her all day, she does nothing but throw holy-hell fits. Which, by the way, she is doing right now. I put her in her bouncer seat because there's only so much of a wailing baby one can take continuously. I did try to reason with her but she doesn't appear to have taken the deal I laid on the table: cut the drama and I'll buy you something shiny. Maybe she doesn't like shiny things? Hmmm. Back to the drawing board.

This morning, Luca woke earlier than usual and immediately started wailing. After feeding her (which temporarily throws her into a milk coma, thus calming her for a small period of time), I decided I was going to put on Twilight for the umpteenth time because for some reason unbeknownst to me, she seems to enjoy hot vampires. So this is what we did to piss the morning away:


She managed to wake up when James was attempting to kill Bella.

OK, so updates on Luca. She enjoys screeching during the day. Currently still not sure why. I really do think she hates me but that's just my opinion. I did go to the store to buy something called "Gripe Water" which is supposed to do wonders for gassy or colicky babies. I don't think she has colic because hell, she only cries when she's with me, it seems, but she does seem to cry right before she takes a nasty shit, so I wonder if her digestive system causes her pain. However, she does start crying again immediately after her bowel movement so perhaps not.

I enjoy when she's sleeping. She does the funniest faces and they all kind of run together....she'll go from complete devastation to giggles to mad to sad....all in a matter of seconds. It's like watching a cartoon, it's so melodramatic. I also really enjoy her when I'm feeding her because she really, really loves the breast...I mean, she really loves it. She plays and grabs and coyly manhandles my girlie bits. And another thing I absolutely love? She loves music...it appears that she loves all types of music....and that includes the hard rock that we dance around to when she's fussing nonstop. Today's selection included Alice in Chains and Seether (she loves Seether, it's funny to watch) and she passed out for a half hour. She also loves classical, which Scott plays for her, and contemporary folk (Missy Higgins, Plumb, Sarah MacLachlan)...and regular rock (Coldplay, Fleetwood Mac). Hell, she doesn't even mind much when I sing, which can have devastating effects but apparently she enjoys it. Or pretends to, which I appreciate.

I cannot wait until Christy and Grandpa get here from Bostonia! I need the Baby Whisperer! Or in the very least, someone to give her a shoulder to sleep on while I go on a much-needed bender for two straight days.

By the way, at the rate she's going, I'll only have pictures of her sleeping or screaming soon.....when the hell do they stop crying again???? I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel yet....

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Good Days, Bad Days, Wine Nights

I knew yesterday was too good to be true.

Luca was an absolute delight yesterday. From the moment she woke up until her bedtime, she was alert, happy, giggling...just sucking in her surroundings. While I watched her in awe-filled silence, I couldn't help but think that she's going to be just like me. Pensive yet observant. Smart. Attentive. Quick-witted. Not to toot my own horn but I've been known to be all of the above. I think she cried for MAYBE ten whole minutes yesterday. It was a good, good day. Hell, she even slept through most of the night. I was foolishly misled into believing that the crazy unpredictable infancy horrors were over. Or in the very least on a teensy tiny hiatus.

I really should've known better.

Today was a bad, bad day. From the moment she woke until I FINALLY got her to go to sleep, she was a whiny, bitchy crank-monster. This normally happens when she wakes up and sometimes during the day, but I can break it up when she naps. However, today, Little Miss Lulu Ivy did not nap. Oh no, no, no, no. She didn't nap at all. She cried a lot. She fussed. She faked a nap or two, thus lulling me into a false sense of relief only to be yanked from my utopia and back into mommy-land where the ability to piss by oneself or even make something that does not require the toaster or microwave is a fleeting, retarded thing of the past.

I tried walking her around the neighborhood. No dice. I tried the car ride to the local store where she cried her head off while I was shopping (please know that I am not one of those people that will leave the store because the baby's crying....I say let them cry and if the patrons don't like it, they can suck my sore nipple) and then finally fell asleep while I was waiting in line....however, I was stuck with the clerk from hell who felt the need to tell his life's story to every customer so by the time I made it through the line and survived his stupid bullshit, she was awake before I could get her into the car. Yes, she wailed the entire ride home. I really, really wanted to kill that man (store clerk) because it doesn't take ten minutes to ring in some herbs, a bottle of wine, a pie and some macadamia nuts. I keep thinking that if only I'd gotten her to the car before she woke up...

So tonight is a wine night. I finally got her to sleep after she projectile vomited my own breast milk all over me (fabulous aim, that kid) and I re-fed her because she had to be hungry again. She is currently in the bassinet which is even further proof that she didn't sleep today because she fucking hates that thing and I am happily sucking down some shiraz. Because I deserve it. Because I've been carting around a screaming, fussy baby for well over twelve hours non-stop. Because I need the bottle and frankly am kind of pissy because I can't have it. Because if anything, I will do something for myself, even if that selfish act is a simple glass of vino.

And for all of you that are thinking to yourself, "but it's so worth it because she's so darn cute", I leave you with this thought: she vomited all over her Red Sox onesie.

Is she still so darn cute?

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Boppy Goldmine

So let me just tell you the few things that I've learned during the past few weeks. First and foremost, newborn babies do not comprehend schedules or logic, both of which I've tried to impart on the confused little tyke. Working around a newborn's screwed up sense of reality has been slightly disconcerting but I digress. I've managed to finally get some semblance of normalcy down and I have one "person" to thank. The "person" is actually a manufacturer so here goes: A big fat thank you to the Boppy corporation.

From the breastfeeding pillow (which is a necessity for any new mom whether you're breastfeeding or not) to the baby sling (my newest discovery which is a GODSEND when you have a baby that doesn't like to be put down, even when napping), the Boppy people are geniuses! I never thought that I would get an extended period of time with both hands free again but the Boppy pillow enables me to prop the kid on my lap and shove a boob in her mouth all while typing and replying to emails and the baby sling....oh MY, the baby sling is a miracle product. Yesterday, Jen came over to help frazzled little Robin out for a little while and she helped me assemble the baby sling (because Lord knows I have no patience to figure those little gadgets out) and I used it for the first time today. She screeched for about two minutes and then blissfully fell asleep while I got up and made coffee, had breakfast, checked emails...it's an amazing thing to be able to have hands free for a little while!

Luca is still crying although not as much anymore. I've finally taken to the understanding that babies will cry and it is not my fault, so I'm trying to put her down more when she cries, instead of rocking her back and forth and feeling helpless. It's still a little overwhelming but it's definitely getting better.

I've become a diaper-changing champion and Scott definitely has a knack for calming her when she starts to go all schizo on us.

This weekend, Scott's friend Stuey is in town so it'll be nice to see his friends and show the Hobbit off for a little while. Now, I need to take a shower and pick up the house a little....

Hopefully, the sling will help with the cleaning. Or at least a little of it anyway!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

Luca, Luca, Luca

I'm sorry I haven't been answering anyone's calls or emails on a steady basis but right now, life is all about Luca, Luca, Luca! She tends to be awake more during the day and she likes to cry a lot...which makes it difficult to put her down and actually answer the phone or even pick it up to call you all for that matter. When she develops more of a schedule, I'll try to be online or on the phone more often to keep you updated.

She's had her two-week check up and all is well. We're hoping that the reason for her daily screaming episodes is that she's been feeding incorrectly. We'll see how that turns out. She did gain a whole pound in two weeks so she's definitely a little piglet when it comes to eating. She does however, sleep decently during the night, which we're thankful for!!!! But all of the crying needs to stop! Any proven methods out there? A little rum on the nipple, perhaps?

Again, thanks to everyone for their well wishes, gifts and cards! It means so much to us to know that everyone is thinking of us and of Luca! I'll post more when I have time!!! Love to all!

Monday, April 6, 2009

For The Love of Boobs and All Things Baby

My, my, has it been a busy two weeks! I'm sure most of you have heard the story surrounding Luca's birth, but if not, here it is in a nutshell: On March 24th, I went to my scheduled OB appt to discover that I did indeed have preeclampsia and would be induced that evening. I went back to work, closed everything down, ran last minute errands and headed off to the hospital to be jacked up with drugs. In short, it was an awful night. The LND rooms are not meant for people to actually sleep in them so it was highly uncomfortable for both Scott and myself. It didn't help that I could only lie on my left side and my butt went numb. After a full night of nothing much, my doc came in and did something to my uterus because suddenly, I was full on feeling contractions. Thankfully, I was smart and asked for the epidural early because it took over an hour for the dude to get to the room, plus there was something wrong with my labs, yadda, yadda, yadda.....so when I got relief, it came at the perfect time. Shortly after that, a nurse came in to check my dilation and discovered that lo and behold, the baby's butt was facing down....not the head.....and I knew then that it would be a C-sec. An hour later (I'll spare you the nasty C-sec details), Scott and I were the proud parents of a teensy tiny baby girl!

Her name is Luca Ivy and she's a wee bitty thing. She weighed in at 6 pounds 9 ounces, 19 inches long (originally 19.5 but the pediatrician measured her at 19 so that's where we'll put her) and she looks just like Scott.

It's definitely been interesting getting adjusted with a baby in the house. First things first, I really didn't expect to take well to breastfeeding. I went back and forth on it and then finally decided that I'd give it a try and that if it didn't work, I'd just switch her to formula. Surprising, when I looked down at her little face, I was enthralled by the whole process...by the comfort that it gives her, and by the bond it gives the both of us. Little Luca happens to love the boob and it makes me laugh to feed her because she actually plays with my parts like a child would play with their food before the parent finally says "Cut it out and eat your peas!" She's already developed a bit of a personality. She's a crank-monster when she wakes up, which she definitely gets from me and the Vaicius side of the family, and she's very alert and focused when she's not being cranky. She can already lift her head off of our shoulders which has caused a "floppy baby scare" a few times but we're on to her now.....she loves to play with her hands. She won't sleep in her bassinet, she prefers to be cuddled up next to Momma, which has caused some issues getting her to bed of course. She likes her infant swing and right now, she is in the bouncer seat at my feet. Not sure if she likes it yet....too soon to tell, as she's napping. She makes cute little mousey noises when she's sleeping and she poops like a champ (definitely gets that from Scott). She enjoys it when I read her murder mystery novels, currently appreciating all that is Charlaine Harris (I'm sure much to Seth's dismay). She had her first bath last night and she didn't cry once. Amazing. Once I think I have her figured out, she plays tricks on me. Crafty little baby.

I'm healing just fine. I pretty much refused most of the pain meds because they had me so high in the hospital that I missed the first day of her life. I can't remember much, just little tidbits, which is not cool but unfortunately necessary. Scott did a stellar job in keeping everyone informed all while bringing me the baby so I could feed her and try to bond with her for that first day of her life. The pain in my abdomen has diminished greatly and the Motrin helps with anything residual. The doctor said I can drive as soon as I feel well enough and I think that will be pretty soon. I'm able to walk fairly well but I haven't been lifting anything and don't expect to cart anything heavy around for a few weeks. I'm trying to get as back to normal as possible so I've been organizing, cleaning up a little, trying to cook small easy meals....anything to get back in the rhythm of things. Of course, I have to do most of this around her sleep schedule, but I've also learned to do some things one handed. You'd be amazed at the methods you can discover when you're caring for a little hobbit.

That's another thing....she really truly does look like a hobbit which makes me laugh. Especially when she's wearing the hospital cap on her head. It rides up on her little skull and makes her kind of resemble the Travelocity gnome. I can't stop staring at her, especially when she sleeps. I wonder what she dreams about when she smiles wide and giggles and then it hits me that, of course, she's dreaming of boobs!

I'll post pics soon, I just need Scott to show me how to download on our new computer. Until then, feel free to call or email!