

Friday, April 24, 2009

Updates from PJ-Ville

Here's Luca at 4 weeks old. I think I was supposed to put a "one month" sign underneath her but she was so damn miserable that day that this is the only pic I got of her where she wasn't screeching. I'm not sure what got her attention but I was grateful for the 5-seconds of fascination that enabled me to not hear incessant crying.

Of course, now everyone thinks I'm lying through my teeth. I'm starting to think that Luca just hates me because she's sweet as pie for everyone, including Scott. He comes home and she cuddles with him and makes faces and giggles and then sleeps. But for me, the person who is home with her all day, she does nothing but throw holy-hell fits. Which, by the way, she is doing right now. I put her in her bouncer seat because there's only so much of a wailing baby one can take continuously. I did try to reason with her but she doesn't appear to have taken the deal I laid on the table: cut the drama and I'll buy you something shiny. Maybe she doesn't like shiny things? Hmmm. Back to the drawing board.

This morning, Luca woke earlier than usual and immediately started wailing. After feeding her (which temporarily throws her into a milk coma, thus calming her for a small period of time), I decided I was going to put on Twilight for the umpteenth time because for some reason unbeknownst to me, she seems to enjoy hot vampires. So this is what we did to piss the morning away:


She managed to wake up when James was attempting to kill Bella.

OK, so updates on Luca. She enjoys screeching during the day. Currently still not sure why. I really do think she hates me but that's just my opinion. I did go to the store to buy something called "Gripe Water" which is supposed to do wonders for gassy or colicky babies. I don't think she has colic because hell, she only cries when she's with me, it seems, but she does seem to cry right before she takes a nasty shit, so I wonder if her digestive system causes her pain. However, she does start crying again immediately after her bowel movement so perhaps not.

I enjoy when she's sleeping. She does the funniest faces and they all kind of run together....she'll go from complete devastation to giggles to mad to sad....all in a matter of seconds. It's like watching a cartoon, it's so melodramatic. I also really enjoy her when I'm feeding her because she really, really loves the breast...I mean, she really loves it. She plays and grabs and coyly manhandles my girlie bits. And another thing I absolutely love? She loves music...it appears that she loves all types of music....and that includes the hard rock that we dance around to when she's fussing nonstop. Today's selection included Alice in Chains and Seether (she loves Seether, it's funny to watch) and she passed out for a half hour. She also loves classical, which Scott plays for her, and contemporary folk (Missy Higgins, Plumb, Sarah MacLachlan)...and regular rock (Coldplay, Fleetwood Mac). Hell, she doesn't even mind much when I sing, which can have devastating effects but apparently she enjoys it. Or pretends to, which I appreciate.

I cannot wait until Christy and Grandpa get here from Bostonia! I need the Baby Whisperer! Or in the very least, someone to give her a shoulder to sleep on while I go on a much-needed bender for two straight days.

By the way, at the rate she's going, I'll only have pictures of her sleeping or screaming soon.....when the hell do they stop crying again???? I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel yet....


lindavaicius said...

Except for that Vampire dude.....These are the cutest photos of my baby Girl!!!!!!

Scottito said...

Those are awesome pics of moments only the 2 of you shared...remember the good ones when she is being the crankmonster!! She loves you and the crying will stop...hey, I don't cry anymore...lmao!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thats cuz you're a big boy now scott!

Love & miss you, mom