

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Beauty of Dreams

We all have dreams at some point...things that we swear we'll do, things that we hope we can accomplish, things that get left undone, things that we fight all sorts of monsters to achieve....no matter which way you look at it, we all have dreams. The other night, I was talking on the phone with a friend who really, really wanted to go to Africa. The time is right. She's about to lose her job. She's finished school. She's living in a city that means nothing to her.

Logistically, it's a stupid move. To all of those conservative, money-minded people that believe "I can't do this because the time isn't right", it's a stupid move. But for me, as we spoke, I found myself really hoping that she decides to just go ahead and do it. Sure, I'd be jealous as all hell. Sure, I would wish that my scenario was the same as hers. Sure, a part of me wished that I could have that simplicity to just drop everything and head out to parts unknown, to explore and to be part of that adventure.

I can't be a part of her dream right now, but I know that eventually I'll get there. So this post is dedicated to her and to everyone else who has dreams and they're not certain if it's the right time to make things happen: Stop talking yourself out of it. Live the dream!

Otherwise, it will never be the right time. You can't have perfectly planned out dreams....carpe diem, motherfuckers.

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