

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

4 Months!

My little baby girl is growing up. She's almost an adult...if only she could form full words, I'd be all set! Today, Lu went for her 4 mo well check and did very well! She's now 25 inches long and weighs a mere 12.1 pounds (which cracked me up because she feels so much heavier!)...the doctor isn't concerned though. He said she's doing great! She was laughing and dancing on the table until she got her immunizations.

Man, that girl can turn from pasty white to beet red in about 2.5 seconds! But just like last time, she only cried for about 10-15 secs and then was fine. She cried a little in the car (probably because the straps were chafing her thigh puncture wounds) and then she cried a little at home. I gave her a bottle and put her to bed.

She's seriously so expressive, so clever, and so arrogant (she knows when she did something impressive, lol) that I can't help but think she's going to be like ME.

She's saying, "I don't like those needle thingies. I don't care how shiny the Band-Aids are!"

Got milk?


lindavaicius said...

What a face!!!!its priceless! she is too cute, sorry my baby girl got shots today, and it is funny because i think she looks more than 12lbs too.She is hetting so big so quick, I can't wait to hold her!

Love to all, mom

Anonymous said...

GREAT pictures! LOL!! What a cutie!

Anonymous said...

oooh I just want to kiss those cheeks and thighs, she is so cute.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to get my hand on that baby Girl!!!!!!!

Love you all, gma.