

Friday, September 25, 2009

Happy 6 Months, Luca!

These pics were just taken this morning and today, the little peapod is officially six months old! Soon, her life will be overwhelmed with strange items like sippie cups and pureed veggies and spoons and bowls and *GASP* fruit! She's doing great! The other day, she managed to get herself up on one knee and lunge forward. Of course, it looked awkward and silly but to me, it was the coolest freaking thing ever. I'm amazed by what amazes me.

She continues to chatter away in her nonsensical chatter, but every now and then, she'll bust out with "Da-Da" and "Duh-dee". She likes to pronounce her hard g's and she gets really excited with herself when she does it. She likes to kick me. Hard. She also enjoys chewing on everything and anything, including my hand and the rattles that hang above her on the playmat (she looks like she's bobbing for apples) and she still enjoys me reading seriously hardcore horror stories to her. We've moved from vampires to zombies. She doesn't seem to mind the walking dead at all! That's my girl!

And here is Scott, opening his birthday present from Luca. She made him an "I Love My Daddy" book, complete with the coolest photos ever!

Next time, we'll be posting Luca's first taste of food!!!!


Scottito said...

Thank you Luca for my awesome birthday present, I have been making everybody at work look at it at least twice..lol...your mommy is awesome to for helping you put it all together!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome!!!!She is really growing up so fast.

Hugs and kisses to you all....

Love momma.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Grandma's Birthday is coming up and she would like one of those books.

Love & miss you all.