

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Land of Luca

Every day is a new day. Something new happens and if you blink, you just might miss it.

Yesterday, Lu managed to pull herself into a sitting position from a face-down, splayed out spot. It wasn't the way I've normally seen toddlers do it though...usually, they go onto all fours and then turn themselves up and awkwardly to the side and then plop down. Oh no no no. No, not Luca. She had to back herself up, plant one foot flat while the other goes out into a full sweep and then awkward falls back, hands up, palms out as if to hold her balance and simultaneously say "look at the stellar fucking move I just pulled off, Mom". Then, of course, she clapped. Yay Luca!

Some pics of her trying to get more mobile:

How the heck does this thing work?

Wheeeeee! Can I get my license now?

Damn, I'm hot!

Reading? Child's play.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awwww, she cannot get any cuter!!!love the pics, she is getting so big. I miss her so much!!! Give her hugs and kisses from gma & papa and tell her we love her. Buy the way...the sitting up thing sounds loke something you would do....