

Friday, August 17, 2007


I am simultaneously excited and scared. I am a mere 30 pages of revisions before I am completely done with my book. I can't wait to share it, to send it out, for people to read it; however writing makes you so vulnerable, that for once in my life, I really am concerned about what others think. This is a new feeling for me.

I can't be objective with my own writing, so I need to depend on other people to do that for me, and I am so afraid that the one thing I pride myself in, the one thing that I love to do and honestly feel that I am GOOD at doing, might not be excellent after all. What if, in the midst of my excitement and anticipation, someone says "This isn't very good at all."?

However, I do want the objectivity. I do want someone to say that they think it's shit if it's shit. In short, I'm afraid. I don't want it to be shit.

Sorry, everyone, I'm just feeling a bit emotional. The one moment I've been working toward is rapidly approaching and the last year and eight months has been long, arduous and dedicated toward creating something that may or may not end up in a shoebox under my bed instead of on the millions of bookshelves across the world.


lindavaicius said...

Robin, Don't worry so much! You have always been great at writing and I'm sure your book is going to be great.


Christy and Cynthia said...

My dear sister, ever since you won me third place citywide in that essay contest, I have known that you are an incredible writer! Your book is going to be fabulous because you are a fabulous writer. I always look forward to reading your witty words! Love ya big sis!