

Monday, November 5, 2007

On the Move

Hey Everyone!

Sorry it's been awhile since my last post, we've been embroiled in our move. We're currently still in the old house but more than half of our loot is already at the new place so it's a bit surreal. We should be all moved in by the end of the week, and then I'll be able to take photos and post them up for you all.

JD is a little anxious, because he has those doggie abandonment issues. He keeps looking around and getting all sad and quiet. He's a little clingy as of late too, following us wherever we go.

We may be without a computer for a week or so. We realized that we don't have cable access in the bedrooms so we have to install it, and our internet connection is through our cable company.

Hope everyone is well and I'll post again once we're settled in and our internet access is up and running!

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