

Monday, October 29, 2007

A Good, Good Day

So today, despite my exhaustion from the amazing weekend, I trudged my way into work in the attempts to show the exuberance that should've been glowing from my skin. Unfortunately on Saturday night, I had the stupidity to mix my regular wine with shots at a Halloween party we attended. I lost all conscious thought when I took a jager shot and almost puked everywhere. Then I woke up. Sunday was bittersweet. Thankfully, no GOOD NFL games were on because I was too busy recuperating so I would be ready for the Sox/Rox finale.

I decked myself out in my Sox gear and headed to Nick and Di's for the Red Sox official claim as the 2007 WORLD CHAMPS! Whooooooop! I would post pics but our computer has been under repair for two freaking days and I'm not sure of its capabilities.

However, this morning, I walked into work and hugged my fellow Sox fans. No words needed to be spoken. Yet when someone asked me how I was today, I just smiled tiredly and uttered, "It's a good, good day."

How can I not be elated? How can I not be smiling to myself? Not only did the Sox rip the Rox to shreds but in the same freaking day that they took the championship, the Pats kicked the living shit out of the 'Skins (who by the way, talked some nasty trash last week and are now forced to eat their own stink) AND then we hear that A-Rod opted out of his contract. Can we all hear the sweet sound of the Evil Empire crumbling around Steinbrenner, his check book and his sadistic spawn? Yep. Sounds really fucking good, doesn't it?

Rodriguez's filthy cheating ass better not be thinking of our team. Lowell, our MVP, is not only more than enough but he's a bit more ... ahem ... moral for my tastes. Who the fuck cares how many HR's he hits per year? I'd rather have a good group of guys band together and play honestly and then take the whole she-bang. Exactly like it happened this year.

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