

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Hobbit Update

Excuse how ragged I look in this photo....we just got back from a trip to the desert for Scott's Man Club Christmas Party. Needless to say, I ate too much. Not to mention I was tired and hadn't showered. I was too zapped to actually beautify myself for a belly photo. But what's an update without a belly photo?

OK, so I'm a day shy of 23 weeks. Hobbit is active as hell and spent most of the day kicking and pushing and nudging all areas of my uterus. It finally settled down about an hour ago.....yowza.

Inquiring minds wanted to know all sorts of things so here are the answers to all of the questions that have been asked over the past two weeks: I went to the doctor on Thursday afternoon. All seems well, uterus is growing appropriately (and I have the hardened, ever-growing tummy to prove it) and the heart rate is now at 156. Yes, I'm sure that will help all of you try to figure out the gender, lol. But before you get carried away with translating the heart rate/gender theory, I asked my doctor about it and she ensured me that it was absolute "buckus". I think that might be her way of saying "bullshit". To each their own, I guess.

Anyway, you might also want to wait on your predictions because we go in for our ultrasound this Thursday afternoon. Of course, I'll post the photo of Hobbit for everyone, which means that you can all ardently search for penises or vaginas. Oh, stop laughing, you know that's what you were waiting for anyway.

Sadly enough, the weight keeps upping. Before pregnancy, I was 128. Now...I'll try not to cry while typing this....I'm at a buxom 142. I don't think I've ever been over 140. Anyway, my goal is to not top 155 so I'm going to be reestablishing my eating habits. No more copious amounts of chocolate.

I've definitely entered an awkward stage. Nothing is really comfortable and the inability to lift my legs past a certain point is bothersome, but everything else is fine. I slept peacefully in a sea of pillows last night and I'm going to look into buying one of those giant pregnancy pillows that fit in between your legs. Kinky.

I'm off to go watch Harry Potter for the zillionth time. Stay tuned for future updates.


lindavaicius said...

Mom and Dad say thanks for the updates, we look forward to them. Now, as for the heartrate I still stay with my own theory,ha. also as far as putting up the ultra sound I just want to see Hobbits face, you could put the genital are up on your post and I wouldn't be able to tell you the sex, I can't read them to well, I can only reconize faces.Anyway, You look fabulous! Can't wait to see hobbit on thursday. We love and miss you so much!

lindavaicius said...

OH gosh, I am tired I just read that , I messed it up duh!But I'm sure you know what I mean.

Stacey said...

Hey sis....you look awesome. I love seeing my growing niece or nephew in there! I am not going to guess gender by the heart rate. It is total buckus. Means nothing. we guessed during our entire maternity rotation by heart rate (yeah, you know I did my own research....and it truly had no rhyme or reason). That out of the way, we just want to see face too......the only time I ever saw the true gender was when Katie & billy brought home the big ole penis shot.....couldn't miss it. So unless one zooms in, it's difficult to see and figure out unless you are an ultrasound tech or doc.....

Weight gain at 142 is awesome. You're gaining just what you need to for a healthy pregnancy.....

we look forward to your updates and although I won't be there in April for brian's business meet, I'm thinking of flying out either before hobbit comes or after. Your choice......i could always come when he or she is born and help you out a bit with first time mommy adjustment. Or I could fly out the second you feel labor pains......hee hee.

After the new year I'm gonna start organizing your baby shower (yup, I'm gonna) so start organizing a list of people......love ya and cannot wait to see that cute lil' hobbit face come Thursday :)

Stacey said...

OMG I think I've got it...I heard the name recently and fell in LOVE. What about Desiree (or Deziree) and call her Dezi???? Stacey likeeeeee

Scottito said...

I REALLY like your choice of name "Desiree"...I can't tell you why yet just in case Robin really likes it too...she might not like the reason why I like it...and no everybody, it is not anything perverted...lol

Stacey said...

Yeah, I like Desiree a lot -I just thought it had such a cute ring to it and I cannot wait to see this lil one .........ooooh a niecey or a nephew.........yayyyyyyyyyyyy.