

Thursday, December 18, 2008


I want to know how many of you can figure these out....lol.....have fun!


lindavaicius said...

I can make out the 1st one real well. The 2nd one all I can make out is Hobbits feet up in the air (which is adorable). The 3rd, I'm stumped.

Reguardless, I love them and get so excited to see the photos.

Thanks, I love you. Mom

Stacey said...

Ok mom's a freak....they are all of the baby's face mama......the last one is the lips and nose with the arm up over its face as if its covering its head. Ill show you when you come over........ha ha ha.
In any event, the photos of our lil hobbit are gorgeous! especially photo #3 of the puffy Angelina Jolie lips!

Christy and Cynthia said...

I definitely got the first one! The second an third have me completely stumped. I'm sitting here turning my laptop in every different direction trying to make sense of it.

Robincita said...

Looks like Stace has them figured out, everyone :) I'll let her direct you when you see her next, lol. Good job, Stace! And I told Scott those lips were huge....lol....

Scottito said...

second one is a monkey!!

lindavaicius said...

I don't see any monkeys. I just see my precious grandchild. Well, from what I can figure out anyway lol.