

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Name Game

I thought it might be fun to include everyone in this fun baby-expecting process and have us all play the name game. Now, seeing where Scott has the rights if it's a boy, this only pertains to the possibility of the little bun in my proverbial oven being a girl.

Send me a comment with your ideas concerning girl names....but there's a CATCH! All names must have a Q, X, Y or Z in it (it doesn't need to start with the letter but has to have it in the name). So any FEMALE name suggestions will be processed and either 1.) recorded as a possible name for the little tyke or 2.) rudely discarded as tart or tacky by future mom-to-be. That being said, do your best!

And Zinnia's already on the list, so don't even try to go there :)


lindavaicius said...

O.K. Robin, here ya go..............

1.) Zelda
2) Zoey
3) Shaniqua
4) Yolanda
5) Lynda..haha
6) Lexi 0r Lexus
7) Quintina
8) Zena
9) Texann
10) Quincie

Thats the best I can do for now. My personal favs are #'s 10, 6 (Lexi), and #1 and #2, let me know what you think...love you.

lindavaicius said...

Tell scott if its a Boy he can name him Joey and call him J.C. get it? I think scott should play this name game on his blog too, tell him momma will help him out.

Robincita said...

Ooooooh, I like Zelda and Quincie....

Don't know about Shaniqua though. Perhaps a bit too....lengthy?

lindavaicius said...

I like them too!

lindavaicius said...

What about....

Yanda, or better yet "Zanex" Now bet that cuz that is a double letter name, ha!

lindavaicius said...

I meant to say beat that, duh!

Stacey said...

Ok, I'm asking all the kids over here.......Delaney has suggested "Ayza" for a girl....we'll be back with more when i can think of a few. Ayza Campbell. cute

Julie Vaicius said...

How about Yasmin, filled with irony and all. You could even do a play on Yasmin and call her Yazmin to use a y and a z.

Stacey said...

Ok sista, you asked. Here goes everyone's picks:

Samma says:
Sheay or Shayne

brendan says:
Xyla or Alexis

Della says:
Xaria or Zaria
Yeva (pronounced "Eva")

I say:
Ayla or Audrey
Aliza or Addyson
Ainzley or Yuliana

Brian says:
Xylow, Ally, or Yamica (call her yammy)

Mom says:
Yedra or Alexia

Do you need more?????

Robincita said...

I like Yammy. Figures that Brian would come up with something to do with yams.

All suggestions have been recorded....and yes, Stacey, if you've got more, I say go for it!

lindavaicius said...

I just thought of another one..........


xxx-ooo mom

Scottito said...

Man, you people should be hired to name strippers!!! I like Shaniqua, it goes along with my Earl!!!

Cindy Curran said...

Robin, I was thinking of the names with Q:

Qadira, Qamra, Qatai, Qeturah, Qiana, Qianna, Qitarah, Quan, Quanah, Quandah, Quaneisha, Quanela, Quanella, Quanesha, Quanika, Quanisha, Quanna, Quantina, Quantinna, Quantyna, Quartilla, Quartz, Quaunica, Qubilah, Queen, Quenna, Queenation, Queeneste, Queenette, Queenie, Queisha, Quella, Queenbee, Quenbey, Quenbi, Quenbie, Quenby, Quenny, Querida, Queshia, Questa, Queta, Quetta, Quetura, Queturah, Queysha, Quiana, Quianna, Quin, Quinbee, Quinby, Quinc, Quinceanos, Quinci, Quincy, Quincylia, Quinella, Quinetta, Quinette, Quinn, Quinnie, Quinta, Quintana, Quintessa, Quintessenz, Quintina, Quintona, Quintonice, Quirina, Quirita, Quisha, Quita, Quiterie, Quiyanna, Quorra, Qwanda...How's that???

Scottito said...

Hey Cindy, you forgot Queef!! LOL

Cindy Curran said...

Scott, I didn't think it was right...LMAO. Here's some for V: Vadit, Vafara, Valarie, Valborga, Valcadash, Valencia, Valentina, Valentine, Valeraine, Valere, Valerie, Valicia, Valicity, Valla, Valora, Vanda, Vande, Vanesa, Vanessa, Varda, Vardit, Vared, Varnika, Varsha, Vashti, Vasiliki, Veanna, Veata, Vedetta, Vedette, Vedika, Veenan, Vega, Velia, Velma, Veloutte, Velvet, Velvie, Venesha, Venessa, Venetia, Venice, Venita, Venitra, Ventura, Venus, Verdad, Verena, Verene, Verina, Verity, Verlaine, Verna, Veronica, Veronique, Vesna, Veta, Vevett, Vevina, Vianey,Vianak, Viannet, Vicenta, Vici, Vicki, Victoria, Violet AND I purposely left off VD!!!

Cindy Curran said...

How could I have left off Volkswagon for Robin's little bug!! Or even veluptuous (if I got the spelling right on either of the two...LOL)

Christy and Cynthia said...

Personally I like vagina...and I'm not talking about the name ;)

Christy and Cynthia said...

We also like Vixen, Venezuela, and Vulva!!!

lindavaicius said...

Dad said..........

How about...
Or Better yet...here ya go scott......

lindavaicius said...

cindy you forgot one..


lindavaicius said...

OH dear load, this is getting ugly!

lindavaicius said...

I think I can settle this.....
if its a girl...Robin Ann.

And if its a boy...

Scott Andrew......

Robincita said...

I actually knew someone named Quintana believe it or not....although it might've been her last name....hmmm, can't remember.

Damn, you kids got to work! I kind of like Velvie, Cindy...

Hey, Julie, where's Lucy's picks?

lindavaicius said...

I still like "ZELDA"

lindavaicius said...

Benjamin Scott Campbell
Zelda Ann Campbell

you can call him....BC
you can call her....QC


lindavaicius said...

ok that was not right.....

you can call her ZC...

lindavaicius said...

I met a customer in work tonight and her name was ...Zoya.

Hope you and scott had a great weekend. Love ya,

Katherine said...












Katherine said...

Levy or Levi


Anonymous said...

how about Axis? Xela, long e, like xeela? Azure, pronounced ah-zoor? Indya or Indygo ? Oracle? i know it's missing you're preferential letters, but i had to throw it in there. Zeranda? Myza ?