

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Thank You to Stacey and Christy!

Thank you, Stacey and Christy, for doing such a great job with the shower! From the cake to the food to the webcam to the all-around good time, it was very much appreciated by Scott, Hobbit and I!

You ladies are the best! And thank you also to everyone who attended! And thank you, of course, for all the monkey paraphernalia....let's hope that the kid isn't afraid of simians by the time it can walk! We had a great time chatting with everyone and seeing everyone!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Whooo Hoooooo!

Seeing where I've been doing a TON of bitching, I thought it's only fair that I document when I have a good day. Because truth be told, this pregnancy actually isn't a horrific experience (GASP!) despite the glaring fact that I will not be doing this again. I know too many women that have had complications far beyond what I can comprehend....so that being said, I had a really good day today and I thought I'd share.

I woke up and my face felt less swollen (always a good thing) even though my feet are still triple their size and I can't fit into any of my shoes. In fact, I barely fit into my flip-flops but hey, at least I get to wear flip-flops to work. Thank goodness I got my toes done last week so at least they look nice and shiny. I think the best thing about waking up today though was that I have this energy today! I feel like I actually want to do stuff! And even though my calves and ankles and feet feel like sausages (and look like them too), I decided I wasn't going to let it get me down. So instead, I paraded them around and had fun at my own expense. I mean, hell, I only have a few more weeks left, might as well make fun of myself, right? Right!

Midday, after a healthy breakfast (I'm trying to go back to healthy eating so that I don't go crazy after giving birth and continue my horrific eating habits), I then downed some cookies. I felt a little bad about the downing of the cookies and pondered the fact that in the days of old, if I ate something bad, I would just go to the gym. It was then that it hit me....although I can't work out at the intensity that I would when I was 40 lbs lighter and my womb was empty, I am not an invalid. This being thoroughly pondered internally, I decided that I would spend my lunch hour at the gym.

The only problem? Fitting into the sneaks. Because I'm not kidding, my feet really are three times their size. I took photos the other day...I'll post them over the weekend. So after some grunting and maneuvering, I did manage to shove my fat footsies into my sneaks and I did manage to get a workout in (albeit one that only consisted of walking briskly and light bike-riding, but hey, it made me feel as if the day was successful.

The only bad thing about today was that I found out Little Miss Cindy was in the hospital. We hope she's feeling better and we love her!!!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Random Thought

My feet look like sausages and I now have cankles.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Thanks for Playing!

Hey everyone! Thanks for playing our belly game! I know for some of you it may have been difficult, or strange, or outright disturbing (Seth) but hey, it was fun and that's all that matters.

For those of you that swear I'm carrying twins, keep in mind that the angle of these photos makes the belly look huge. I swear, I'm only carrying one and that the tummy is not as large as it may appear.

Without further ado, the answers to the belly drawings:

1. Australia
2. It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
3. Castaway
4. Three Men and a Baby
5. My Name is Earl

Extras: Doggie's poop hole and a turkey with my belly button serving as the popup that tells you when the bird is done!

I had my first baby shower today and it was awesome! Sarafina and Suzanne did a wonderful job in planning a beautiful shower, complete with a safari cake, diaper tower, delicious food and wonderful company. Thank you to everyone who came out to be a part of it and yes, I will be posting some pictures soon! I had an awesome time!

And I even got a Lullabies from Hell CD courtesy of Kris and Ken! I can't wait to play Hobbit some Ozzy to help it get to sleep!

Oh, and if you thought the fun photos were over, you're wrong. More to come in the final weeks....because hey, that's when the belly is the biggest and the most fun to put into creatively charged photos, right? Right!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Name That Show or Movie

Creative belly photo game NUMERO UNO....Scott drew some clues on the belly! It is your job to figure out what TV show or movie is being represented on the gigornimous thing that is my stomach. Leave a comment as to what you think the answers are with the appropriate numbered photo...good luck and have fun!!!!

Photo One:

Photo Two:

Photo Three:

Photo Four:

Photo Five:

These last two were just Scott having some good old-fashioned fun. Let's see if you can figure out what he was trying to draw there....