

Friday, March 13, 2009

Whooo Hoooooo!

Seeing where I've been doing a TON of bitching, I thought it's only fair that I document when I have a good day. Because truth be told, this pregnancy actually isn't a horrific experience (GASP!) despite the glaring fact that I will not be doing this again. I know too many women that have had complications far beyond what I can comprehend....so that being said, I had a really good day today and I thought I'd share.

I woke up and my face felt less swollen (always a good thing) even though my feet are still triple their size and I can't fit into any of my shoes. In fact, I barely fit into my flip-flops but hey, at least I get to wear flip-flops to work. Thank goodness I got my toes done last week so at least they look nice and shiny. I think the best thing about waking up today though was that I have this energy today! I feel like I actually want to do stuff! And even though my calves and ankles and feet feel like sausages (and look like them too), I decided I wasn't going to let it get me down. So instead, I paraded them around and had fun at my own expense. I mean, hell, I only have a few more weeks left, might as well make fun of myself, right? Right!

Midday, after a healthy breakfast (I'm trying to go back to healthy eating so that I don't go crazy after giving birth and continue my horrific eating habits), I then downed some cookies. I felt a little bad about the downing of the cookies and pondered the fact that in the days of old, if I ate something bad, I would just go to the gym. It was then that it hit me....although I can't work out at the intensity that I would when I was 40 lbs lighter and my womb was empty, I am not an invalid. This being thoroughly pondered internally, I decided that I would spend my lunch hour at the gym.

The only problem? Fitting into the sneaks. Because I'm not kidding, my feet really are three times their size. I took photos the other day...I'll post them over the weekend. So after some grunting and maneuvering, I did manage to shove my fat footsies into my sneaks and I did manage to get a workout in (albeit one that only consisted of walking briskly and light bike-riding, but hey, it made me feel as if the day was successful.

The only bad thing about today was that I found out Little Miss Cindy was in the hospital. We hope she's feeling better and we love her!!!!!

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