

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Boppy Goldmine

So let me just tell you the few things that I've learned during the past few weeks. First and foremost, newborn babies do not comprehend schedules or logic, both of which I've tried to impart on the confused little tyke. Working around a newborn's screwed up sense of reality has been slightly disconcerting but I digress. I've managed to finally get some semblance of normalcy down and I have one "person" to thank. The "person" is actually a manufacturer so here goes: A big fat thank you to the Boppy corporation.

From the breastfeeding pillow (which is a necessity for any new mom whether you're breastfeeding or not) to the baby sling (my newest discovery which is a GODSEND when you have a baby that doesn't like to be put down, even when napping), the Boppy people are geniuses! I never thought that I would get an extended period of time with both hands free again but the Boppy pillow enables me to prop the kid on my lap and shove a boob in her mouth all while typing and replying to emails and the baby sling....oh MY, the baby sling is a miracle product. Yesterday, Jen came over to help frazzled little Robin out for a little while and she helped me assemble the baby sling (because Lord knows I have no patience to figure those little gadgets out) and I used it for the first time today. She screeched for about two minutes and then blissfully fell asleep while I got up and made coffee, had breakfast, checked emails...it's an amazing thing to be able to have hands free for a little while!

Luca is still crying although not as much anymore. I've finally taken to the understanding that babies will cry and it is not my fault, so I'm trying to put her down more when she cries, instead of rocking her back and forth and feeling helpless. It's still a little overwhelming but it's definitely getting better.

I've become a diaper-changing champion and Scott definitely has a knack for calming her when she starts to go all schizo on us.

This weekend, Scott's friend Stuey is in town so it'll be nice to see his friends and show the Hobbit off for a little while. Now, I need to take a shower and pick up the house a little....

Hopefully, the sling will help with the cleaning. Or at least a little of it anyway!


lindavaicius said...

Thank you Boppy!I'm glad things are getting a little better over there, just remember...slowly but surely.Hang in there you will be laughing about it all in a short time.

Love and miss you all, mom.

Julie Vaicius said...

Robin, Luca is precious. I love seeing the updated pictures. She looks like a very alert baby, which is exactly how Lucy was and doesnt come without challenges...I remember really struggling with Lucy's crying in the first 3 months. We used all of the tricks every day - sling, swing, laying on daddy's chest, rocking, sitting on the front porch listening to the birds - everything!! Hands free was always a problem. I think you figured it out though - it is finding the strength to let the baby cry - something I never did with Lucy and am able to do this time around. After the third month they stop crying for no reason and begin to limit the crying to the obvious three - hunger, sleep, diaper...oh, the joys!

Scottito said...

Keep up the awesome work momma!! I am impressed with the way that you have become a mom and you are doing a great job. I love you!!!

lindavaicius said...

I agree scott! You also are doing a great job!I am proud of the both of you. I think Luca already loves jD, sI love the way she looks at him, too cute!

Love & miss you so much!