

Monday, April 13, 2009

Luca, Luca, Luca

I'm sorry I haven't been answering anyone's calls or emails on a steady basis but right now, life is all about Luca, Luca, Luca! She tends to be awake more during the day and she likes to cry a lot...which makes it difficult to put her down and actually answer the phone or even pick it up to call you all for that matter. When she develops more of a schedule, I'll try to be online or on the phone more often to keep you updated.

She's had her two-week check up and all is well. We're hoping that the reason for her daily screaming episodes is that she's been feeding incorrectly. We'll see how that turns out. She did gain a whole pound in two weeks so she's definitely a little piglet when it comes to eating. She does however, sleep decently during the night, which we're thankful for!!!! But all of the crying needs to stop! Any proven methods out there? A little rum on the nipple, perhaps?

Again, thanks to everyone for their well wishes, gifts and cards! It means so much to us to know that everyone is thinking of us and of Luca! I'll post more when I have time!!! Love to all!


lindavaicius said...

OH Luca! whats wrong with my Baby Girl? She looks like she has a headache in that photo. I think that perhaps she isn't getting enough to eat, thats my guess. Anyway give her smooooooches from grandma that may help.

love and miss you all,

Melanie P said...

I completely understand! Don't worry about everyone else. You just focus on being the sweet little mommy you are! Love you!