

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm Owed Some Nappy Time

Luca was a little cherub for most of yesterday, until it hit about 8 pm or so. It was very strange because she spent most of the day alert, laughing, staring off into space, kicking, talking to her animals...I suppose I was too happy to even think that it could all go wrong. I also suppose that I hate the illogical unpredictability of babies.

For the past six weeks, the only thing that I've really been able to depend on is Luca's bedtime. She goes to bed by 10:30 pm every night (not kidding, people) and sleeps almost the full night through. She usually wakes up once or twice to eat, but it's a kind of auto-chow thing. She latches on and falls back asleep, usually next to Momma who has fallen asleep only moments after making sure she's in a safe position and within easy access of the breast.

Please keep in mind that Luca does NOT nap during the day. I may get one or two 20-minute nappies but that's it...so when she sleeps at night, she sleeps all the way through to the morning, eats and then goes back down until about 10 am. Yesterday, she did not nap. Yesterday, she was so dead on her feet tired by 9 pm that I foolishly thought that if I tossed her in the sling and watched the Lost season finale all while pacing in front of the big screen, she would catch some zzzz's. Not happening. By the time 10:30 rolled around, I was ecstatic to give her a bottle (I'd imbibed a little so it was necessary but she drinks just fine off of the bottle and has fallen asleep many nights after having one) and have her drift off into sandman-land. Did that happen? Hell no, it didn't happen. That girl was wide awake and FUSSY. Nothing seemed to please her. Not rocking. Not changing her. Not feeding her. Not dancing with her. Not the bouncy animals. Not the soothie pacifier. Unbelievable.

I finally got her down at 12:30 in the morning (again, please keep in mind that she did not nap at all during the day!) and I was so exhausted that I didn't even get my allotted two hours to myself. Grrrrrr.

Currently, she's still asleep but that's the norm for her. She's due to wake up in another half hour but that little girl owes me some nappy time. So she best be a good girl today and sleep to make up for the time lost last night. All I have to say is thank goodness for TiVo because I know I missed a really good finale and it was hard to focus while trying to entertain a 7 week old.

Hey, she even had little bags under her eyes because she was so exhausted. Have you ever seen a baby with sleep bags?

1 comment:

lindavaicius said...

LUCA! LUCA! LUCA! Momma needs a nap , be a good girl today for momma and give her a 2 hour nap,lol. and NO! I don't think I've seen a baby with bags under their eyes...wheres the pic?