

Monday, May 18, 2009

Well Check

Today, Luca had her 2-month well check visit. She's doing well....no worries about her belly button. She's almost 23 inches long and now weighs 10 lbs 2 oz. She's gaining weight like a champ! She cried for most of the visit but that was because she was hungry so I fed her while we waited for the nurse to come in to give her her immunizations. She was so cute getting her shots. There was a delay until she noticed that it hurt and then she cried for 10 seconds and then stopped. I was so proud of her.

I was prepared to cry along with her and thankfully, that didn't have to happen. Because we all know how much I hate to cry.


lindavaicius said...

Awesome! glad everything went well. She is so funny with those animals on her car seat, what a beautiful smile!!!!Give her hugs and kisses from gma and tell her I love her!!!!!!

Love & miss you

Scottito said...

Sorry I was not there Luca!! You can rest on my chest tonight though!! Really need to win the lotto so I don't have to miss anything else!!

Anonymous said...

Robin thank you for sharing these special moments on your blog for the family to see. Luca looks so precious and what a beautiful smile. I also think that the color of her shirt (turquoise?) is her color.........
Love you all