

Thursday, June 18, 2009

3 Months!

OK, so here's what's new in As The Luca Ages (my newest title for the soap opera that she is): she is beginning to show impatience (she gets it from her Momma) especially with holding things and controlling her body. She wants to sit up and stand up by herself more than anything and she gets really pissed off that she needs help. If I give her my hands, she'll plant her feet and pull herself up. Seriously amazing. If I have her in a sitting position, she is no longer limp....she has to try to sit herself up fully and hold it. It'll be some time before she's able but it's fun to see her try. She is also starting to hold her bottle when she's eating.

So I went to the store the other day because someone mentioned that babies love play mats or floor gyms. I wasn't necessarily sold on it because Lu doesn't really have the desire to play with toys....she actually gives them dirty looks most of the time, or she'll just flat out ignore them. I got the stupid play mat in hopes that I might be able to flop her down for a few minutes during the day while I do the mad laundry-dishes-check my email dash. I faced that ridiculous wall of pink, shiny, flashy things and finally chose a mat that had some color and personality.

She freaking loves it. It has this one disk that has a picture of a dog on it...I was on the phone with Liv and looked down to find her French-kissing the damn thing. Yes, full tongue. My baby is growing up so fast!!!! Already French-kissing. She's so advanced.

Here's the funny thing though: if I take the toys off of the play mat (they hook onto a beam and hang temptingly in her face), she has absolutely NO interest in them. She's an odd duck.

Lil LuLu woke up at six this morning and I finally got her to sleep at 9:30 tonight. Did she nap, you ask? No, she didn't. But hey, she's asleep now and she misses her Papa and Auntie Christy. Check out facebook for the video.


Anonymous said...

So adorable!!!!! she is growing so fast,I can;t believe she holds her own bottle, amazing!!! I love it when her eyes get that BUG look when she gets excited, its so cute!Let me tell you...papa misses her so much is is always looking at his cell where he has a ton of pics stored of her in there, not to mention shes on is wallpaper....front page, lol....She is our newest Baby Girl now, she took Nattie's title as our baby girl, now nat is our lil Girl, Dee our med Girl and Sam is our big Girl!!!!!We love it!!!!!

Give our Baby Girl Lots of hugs and Kisses from us and tell her we love & miss her. and as for being an odd duck......every family needs one, lol.

Love & miss you, momma.

Anonymous said...

I really love your tails of her growth.....keep up the great work!!
