

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy Christmas and 9-Monthness!!!

LuLu's first Christmas was much more than we expected! We were warned by seasoned parental units that most children have no interest in their first Christmas, that they'll be more fascinated by the paper than the present, which to some extent was true, but Lu actually unwrapped her own presents (with a little tear here or there from Mum or Dad) and definitely decided early on which toys were her favorites (hail the Singing Puppet Dog from my mom and the random freaking balls I bought from Target for approximately $5). She enjoyed herself and we had fun watching her whip boxes and paper around with a fervor.

Thank you to everyone that sent boxes and boxes of stuff for Luca: Christy, Mom & Dad, Stacey and the Welchies (my newest nickname for the midgets)....they were all perfect presents and she will not only be stylin' but she will have fun with all her new gadgets. She loves that thing that lights up and plays music.

Here are some pics of Christmas, which so happens to be LuLu's 9-monthness day as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwww, just seeing her makes me want to hold her, I love & miss her so much!She is growing up so fast and I feel like I missed it all except for a few days. Give her big hugs and kisses from gma & papa. Happy 9 months Luca and Happy New year to all of you may it be safe, healthy, & Very Happy! lots of love gma.