

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

YAY! More Travel!

Yesterday, Scott and I booked our flight to Bolivia! We get to be there with Livia and her family/friends over New Year's and I can't tell you how ecstatic I am that we made this trip work. It meant so much to me and over the last few months the both of us have jumped hurtles to make it happen. In our final hour, when the plane fares were spiking to almost $2500 per PERSON, we managed to find a flight at half that. Between the both of us struggling against work for the time off, trying to nail down the right dates and then fighting the rising fares, it's been exhausting. Because we lose a day in travel, we only get six days down there but I guarantee they will be action-packed!

Alas, our travel for this year has certainly been abundant but I can't wait for the experience again, and for Scott to get a taste of South America. He's loved Central America so far so I really think he's going to love the food, the people, the simplicity of the culture, the humility ..... I literally woke up this morning and for the first time in awhile, I was hopping to the shower like a little kid.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

My Silly, Silly Little Men

Today, Scott's hotel was hosting a picnic event for their employees and apparently, they had a dunk tank in which the GM, Scott's assistant (and friend) Ed, and Scott were the subjects of pent-up angst and fun. I get a phone call asking that I bring his "Say No to Crack" hat which features an ass crack on it, of course, as well as the pink tutu that we use during our softball games when one of our men screws up a play. I knew instantly that because his requests were so .... perversely odd, I must bring my camera as well.

Here is a pic of Scott, mounting the dunk tank in his cap and tutu.
And then, to make matters even funnier, I came home early because Scott needed to clean up after the picnic, and I find JD absolutely devastated that Scott isn't home yet. Here he is sulking in his big beanbag, wishing that it was his Daddy that came home to him instead of me:

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Damn, you crazy MoFo's d' Bostonia! I have NEVER seen a comment chain to follow a post like the one that was born from my "Faraway Angst" blog. If anything, it shows the strength and passion (as well as perversion) that comes with being a Sox fan.

I'm currently immersed in a memory when we were all at Fenway, probably 6 or somewhat years ago, where Stacey, Christy and I were calling dibs on the players (sexually, of course) while I was betting with the six year olds behind me on who was going to hit what. The little brats took me for $20 and they were not very humble about it. I believe we tried to force Mo Vaughn on Stacey...... she wasn't having it though.

Anyway, this post is NOT about the Red Sox. This post is about a very sweet reunion that is about to happen....wait for it......wait for it......waiiiiiiit........

Yes, I bought my ticket today to come spend Thanksgiving in Bostonia! YYYAAAAAYYYYYY! Anyway, I arrive early evening on Sat the 17th of November and I'm there for a full week, leaving early evening on Sat the 24th! Can't wait to see everyone (and in some cases, meet someones...Natalie and Apollo respectfully) and of course, have an amazing holiday!

Back to the Sox. Has Dad gotten rid of that godawful Clemens shirt yet? Or is he saving the honor of burning it for me?

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Faraway Angst

Let me preface this blog by saying that I'm really trying not to freak the fuck out.

Upon arriving in San Diego, I realized that I was a weird magnet for all of the vagabond New Englanders that, like me, sought the good weather of San Diego under the comprehension that everyone was of like East Coast nature. Not the point, but so not true...these West Coasters are a new brand of human and I'm not sure I want to subscribe. Bygones. Not my point. My point is that East Coasters are everywhere and I'm certain that they're attempting to take over the world. No arguments here.

However, in my broad expanse of gaining more knowledge and understanding of the people I work with and for, I realized (happily) that a bunch of my media buyers are from ...yes.....wait for it.....the EAST COAST! AND they are Red Sox fans!

This is great! Fucking great! So let's get to the point of my angst!

What the fuck have our hometown boys been doing other than throwing a fucking season that was theirs to claim? Where the fuck are our bats? Better yet, why the fuck does Francona keep putting Gagne in like he's the image of Christ on a hankie that will march to our salvation when all the schmuck does is give it all up in the 8th?

I'm devastated. Fucking devastated. I'm over the whole Red Sox "curse" yet doesn't this seem like the makings of a cursed year? THIS is something that we would've blamed on the Babe, THIS is something that we would've squawked and stomped about, somehow finding a way to blame the Evil Yankee Empire, but you know what? We can only blame ourselves.

Yes, I've got tears in my eyes. Yes, I'm pissed. We had the greatest first half-season and now....now we have to deliver. I'm used to us not pulling through but you know the funny thing about finally winning a Series? I now expect them to pull through. There's nothing left to blame, no one left to cuss out (although it just comes naturally for the Yanks), nowhere else to turn. This team rocked the first part of this season....and if they can't finish it, they don't deserve it.

For the last few months, I've been trying to explain to people the magnetism of watching baseball in Fenway as opposed to other random parks. My fear is that magic I grew up with will be diminished because no one cares anymore. There is no curse. There is nothing but the incompetent playing of a bunch of men that had a great chemistry, a great bond, and somehow they lost it after a few months of tossing a silly ball back and forth.

(NO BRITNEY CRAZIES HERE) Please, I implore of my Sox. Please. Get there. Pull out your guns and take us to places we're still not used to. Take us to the WS. Try. Try hard.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Got Ink? We Do!

Me, being tattooed by James at 1904 in San Diego.

My finished product: the eyes of Horus with an ankh.

Scott, with the outline of his finished.

Hours of intense pain later, Scott's ALMOST finished tattoo.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Football, OH How I've Missed You!!!

OK, so can I just preface this blog with this thought: I thoroughly enjoy wearing my Pats jersey to work. After last year's debacle, where the Pats pulled out a win over the Chargers on their own home turf and then threw Shawn Merriman's pompous "We're going to kick their ass" speech back into his face by doing his signature dance all over Qualcomm stadium, I seriously enjoy the filthy looks and comments I get when everyone in San Diego gets to see where my NFL loyalties lie.

I am, however, a bit disappointed with Belichek and their coaching staff concerning the whole videotaping of the signals bit. Everyone knows that everyone does it, it's just disconcerting to me that we were brazen enough to get caught. Come on, Billy, that kind of shit is supposed to be ultimate covert mission. What's wrong with you? Maybe now that you're half a million dollars in the hole, you'll be a bit less pompous about your cheating tactics.

Anyway, back to the initial purpose of this blog. As we approach the BIG GAME (trust me, if we lose, I'm going to hear allllll about it), I can't help but hope that we seriously bulldoze over the Bolts .... not because it would prove that the cheating tactics have nothing to do with the powerhouse team that the Pats have and that their ability to win is natural and clean.....no, no, nothing like that. I really, really want the chance to brag. I really, really want the chance to saunter around in front of everyone at work with a smarmy smile on my face as they sulk a bit at their computers. It's sad, I know it's sad, that my pride for the Pats is soaring to the unnatural heights of boasting like a child, chest puffed, as if I have anything to do with my team's solid performances. I also really, really do not want to deal with everyone here if the Chargers were to squeak out a win. I don't want to deal with the sea of blue shirts, the LT chants and the cheating comments.

Well, I'm sure I'll hear the cheating comments for years to come. I can take that. But most of these Charger fans are bandwagon jumpers, so I would hate for them to have something to razz me about ... thus, I'm sending out this belated birthday wish from me to Bill, Tom Brady, and the rest of our good old fashioned boys: kick the shit out of San Diego this Sunday, huh?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Yeah. You know I am.

Seth's Stupid Face

As you can see, Seth has a bit of an issue when a camera comes close.....he does this "stupid face"....so yeah, I'm posting it. I'm only being this mean because I spent half of my non-drunken night trying to catch him on film NOT doing this face. Fuck you, Seth. Fuck you.

Me and the Ladies

Notice how I didn't identify myself as a lady. From left to right: Jen, me, Sarafina, and Diane.

Here in Spirit

My sisters.....from left to right, top over bottom: Christy, Cindy, Livia. My little brother Tim is the only guy in the shots! We put these pics up because they all wanted to be at our party in spirit and I wanted my SD friends that have never had the luxury of meeting my family to taste a bit of my life.


On the morning of our party, I went downstairs and was greeted by hundred of flies. They swarmed our entire downstairs...to a point of: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Scott went to the store and bought a swatter, the only one left in the store.

So we decided to make a game of it. We couldn't locate the source of those ridiculous flies so instead, we put the swatter in the middle of the table and had everyone aware that if they spotted a fly, they had free reign to grab the swatter and murder those motherfuckers.

This pic is of Ed, getting into the murderous mood.

Friday, September 7, 2007

It's Birthday Time!

Seeing where on Monday, Scott is turning the dreaded 40 and, same as the last three years, I remain at 29, we are throwing a football/birthday soiree this Sunday. We felt it important that we usher in the return of the NFL with a bang. Go Pats!!!! I'm currently pissing off everyone at work because I'm wearing my Tom Brady jersey. As I'm sure you can remember, they're still bitter that our boys beat them last year in the playoffs. Nothing like a little salt in the wounds to start off their Friday.

I'll be honest, it's been dreadfully boring as of late. I've been reading a good series of books by Stephenie Meyer: Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse. I finally finished last night and that's always depressing for me. It's like letting a good friend go, knowing that another will replace it later but feeling impatient because you want a good friend NOW. In the meantime, there's that empty feeling. I am currently working on a new short story, trying to get motivated again to just finish my freaking manuscript. So close, but so far. I sometimes wonder if I can't finish it be subconsciously I'm scared to. My friend Allen (some of you may remember him, he was Fran's old boyfriend, Chris Harr's cousin, back in Bostonia) and I have these nice little "short story" challenges going on. My first one is posted on my writing blog, currently working on the second. I'll let you know when that's finished and posted.

We're still looking at houses. We see one this weekend and I have a good feeling about it. We saw one yesterday that I really liked but the bedrooms were so small we wouldn't have been able to even fit our bed in it, so I had to reluctantly give in that it wasn't the right place for us. Man, I wanted that deck! I was envisioning all the parties I could have...

Anyway, I hope I hear from you all soon. I'll take pics of our debauchery this weekend and post them, of course!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Freaking Stupid Heat Wave

Hi All,

Sorry I've been away for a few days, I've literally lost all motivation over the weekend. San Diego is suffering through a debillitating heat wave and although we have an air conditioner, it's wondrous cooling powers do not extend upstairs which is where the computer is housed. Scott and I even spent the night downstairs to ensure that our beautific bodies remained at a somewhat normal temperature.

We had a great Labor Day weekend, other than that. I have a raging tan from going to a beach BBQ yesterday, although I will warn you that when reading a book at the beach, do NOT tuck one of your arms under your head, thus exposing your armpit (and a partial piece of your breast) to the sun. Man, does it freaking burn.

Just an FYI, my father-in-law went under the knife today for one of the first procedures for a new experimental surgery that, if successful, could degrade his Parkinson's progression for up to seven years. Word is that the first part went well and that he's recovering. I believe he goes back for the next procedure in a few weeks. Please keep him in your thoughts for me.