

Friday, September 14, 2007

Football, OH How I've Missed You!!!

OK, so can I just preface this blog with this thought: I thoroughly enjoy wearing my Pats jersey to work. After last year's debacle, where the Pats pulled out a win over the Chargers on their own home turf and then threw Shawn Merriman's pompous "We're going to kick their ass" speech back into his face by doing his signature dance all over Qualcomm stadium, I seriously enjoy the filthy looks and comments I get when everyone in San Diego gets to see where my NFL loyalties lie.

I am, however, a bit disappointed with Belichek and their coaching staff concerning the whole videotaping of the signals bit. Everyone knows that everyone does it, it's just disconcerting to me that we were brazen enough to get caught. Come on, Billy, that kind of shit is supposed to be ultimate covert mission. What's wrong with you? Maybe now that you're half a million dollars in the hole, you'll be a bit less pompous about your cheating tactics.

Anyway, back to the initial purpose of this blog. As we approach the BIG GAME (trust me, if we lose, I'm going to hear allllll about it), I can't help but hope that we seriously bulldoze over the Bolts .... not because it would prove that the cheating tactics have nothing to do with the powerhouse team that the Pats have and that their ability to win is natural and clean.....no, no, nothing like that. I really, really want the chance to brag. I really, really want the chance to saunter around in front of everyone at work with a smarmy smile on my face as they sulk a bit at their computers. It's sad, I know it's sad, that my pride for the Pats is soaring to the unnatural heights of boasting like a child, chest puffed, as if I have anything to do with my team's solid performances. I also really, really do not want to deal with everyone here if the Chargers were to squeak out a win. I don't want to deal with the sea of blue shirts, the LT chants and the cheating comments.

Well, I'm sure I'll hear the cheating comments for years to come. I can take that. But most of these Charger fans are bandwagon jumpers, so I would hate for them to have something to razz me about ... thus, I'm sending out this belated birthday wish from me to Bill, Tom Brady, and the rest of our good old fashioned boys: kick the shit out of San Diego this Sunday, huh?


lindavaicius said...


Scottito said...

I have been telling you they were cheaters ever since they cheated the Raiders in the snow!!!! I still love you though!!