

Friday, September 7, 2007

It's Birthday Time!

Seeing where on Monday, Scott is turning the dreaded 40 and, same as the last three years, I remain at 29, we are throwing a football/birthday soiree this Sunday. We felt it important that we usher in the return of the NFL with a bang. Go Pats!!!! I'm currently pissing off everyone at work because I'm wearing my Tom Brady jersey. As I'm sure you can remember, they're still bitter that our boys beat them last year in the playoffs. Nothing like a little salt in the wounds to start off their Friday.

I'll be honest, it's been dreadfully boring as of late. I've been reading a good series of books by Stephenie Meyer: Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse. I finally finished last night and that's always depressing for me. It's like letting a good friend go, knowing that another will replace it later but feeling impatient because you want a good friend NOW. In the meantime, there's that empty feeling. I am currently working on a new short story, trying to get motivated again to just finish my freaking manuscript. So close, but so far. I sometimes wonder if I can't finish it be subconsciously I'm scared to. My friend Allen (some of you may remember him, he was Fran's old boyfriend, Chris Harr's cousin, back in Bostonia) and I have these nice little "short story" challenges going on. My first one is posted on my writing blog, currently working on the second. I'll let you know when that's finished and posted.

We're still looking at houses. We see one this weekend and I have a good feeling about it. We saw one yesterday that I really liked but the bedrooms were so small we wouldn't have been able to even fit our bed in it, so I had to reluctantly give in that it wasn't the right place for us. Man, I wanted that deck! I was envisioning all the parties I could have...

Anyway, I hope I hear from you all soon. I'll take pics of our debauchery this weekend and post them, of course!


Christy and Cynthia said...

Man, I wish I could be there for this big birthday bash! Hope you guys have a great time. Have lots of drinks for me!!! Actually, I think you should get a picture of me, blow it up and glue it to a piece of wood. That way, it's like I'm actually there with you guys. Love ya!

Stacey said...

Happy Birthday Robin & Scott. We hope you have a great birthday and a fabulous birthday bash as well!

The Welch Clan.....