

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


YAY! I've got 90% of my Christmas shopping done (for my hubby anyway). After venturing over to what I refer to as my "secret" Target (aptly named because it's tucked behind a building and it is not a well-known location) and successfully purchasing gifts without A.) growling at some inept person that's either holding up the line or standing in the middle of the aisle like an idiot or B.) shoving my cart into someone that is clearly in my way and can't fathom why I'm angry or C.) cussing out the standardized shopper that does not know the basics of mall decorum. So I made it out of Target in one piece without losing my temper or my sanity.

This concept encouraged me to do the unthinkable: go to Walmart. I decided that I would park far away, creep into the store and gauge what was sure to be a white-trash America bonanza. It was busy but not overcrowded. My initial report to myself: if I moved quick enough, I might be able to escape unscathed.

I grabbed a basket and booked it through the store, picking up the things I needed, dodging the confused batches of ignoramus rooted in the midst of the aisles like I was moving through a labrynth almost without incident. A man and his family managed to fan across the walkway, all walking at a ridiculous snail pace, bringing to a halt my very effective maneuvering. I sighed heavily and to my surprise, he turned, apologized and moved himself and his family to the side. I was incredulous. I've never had someone in Walmart apologize to me before. What an amazing precedent! Next minute I knew, I was in the line behind only one person. The cashier was a little slow, but aren't they all?

A successful trip indeed. Tonight I have to enter Macy's. I can only pray that the same thing happens but am I deluding myself into believing that a miracle can occur twice? We shall see....stay tuned for the newest entry in the Robincita Shopping Diaries.

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