

Monday, April 28, 2008

In Memoriam

2008 continues to prove unlucky for the Campbells. Last night, Buster started having breathing issues that progressively got worse into the late night and then early morning. At about 3 am, we rushed him to the emergency vet hospital because this horrible sound was coming from him and he started vomiting. His larynx was collapsing, and they were fairly certain that he would need a permanent trache. After much difficult consideration, Scott decided that Buster shouldn't suffer any more and opted to put him to sleep. He would've been 15 next month.

For an older dog, Buster showed an aptitude for tenacity that I'm sure will go unmatched. He has fought through many illnesses and surgeries but always pulled through, always came out of it with his spunk and determination blazing. Even as we said our good-byes at 3:30 this morning, he was still trying to jump off the vet table (he never did like them), despite struggling for his breath.

He had a penchant for stuffed animals (see the stolen monkey in the above picture), for staring blankly at walls for hours, for snoring insufferably loud while still awake, for pushing his dinner bowl around the kitchen noisily in search of any stray pellets that may have escaped his notice, and for sunbathing.

We will miss you, Buster Boy. The house is already far too quiet without you.


Scottito said...

perfectly said as I wipe the tears from my face...Buster went through a lot with me and was so happy with the love and little "stop snoring" swats you gave him...he was one of a kind and you are right, there is a very erie and sad quiteness in the house...I love you and thanks for the blog!

lindavaicius said...

Mom & Dad said....

Omg, we are so sorry to hear about Buster, I can't imagine how devastated you both must be. I know how much you both loved him. I can say for certain that he is up in dog heaven looking down at you & Scott with a smile on his adorable little face thinking..........Thank you Scott & Robin for the wonderful and very happy life, it was a long and great one.

Just want you to know than we feel your pain and hope you both are doing well. You gave him an excellent life thats for sure.

Love you lots,

Stacey said...

Robin & Scott:
We are so sorry to hear about Buster! one can never forget a beloved pet (remember Lucky?)...he will always be with you in spirit. We again are sorry that this has been a difficult year for you as well. We need to get this black cloud lifted!
Love you both and how is JD??? He must be so lonely without Buster!