

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Tale of Two Lucas

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times....

LOL. That's the opening line from a little old classic novel called A Tale of Two Cities, in case you didn't know. How clever am I?

This blog is entitled appropriately because there are really two Lucas. There's the happy, smiley, giggly Luca who shows up for most of the world but tends to hide herself from me sometimes and then there's the everyday Luca who can go from laughing her butt off to a grouch in less than 2.5 seconds. She is becoming so much more alert to her surroundings and it is really fun to watch her take in the world. She can hold her head up when you put her up to your shoulder and when you lay her flat...and now her newest fun thing is that she uses her legs to "stand". She doesn't really stand but if I hold her feet, she'll push herself upward and keep her butt suspended in the air for a few seconds before plopping back down. She can also launch herself over my arm (something I learned the hard way) when I do this....so one must be aware of her physical strength as well as her erudite ways.

She is now nine and a half pounds. Still a peanut but getting heavier for mom who has to cart her around, dance with her, bounce her, pick her up, put her down....I'm going to have the buffest arms on the block, that's for sure! Not complaining though because it provides me with a workout. I'm only 6 pounds off of my pre-baby weight! YAY! I'm really wanting to fit into my old favorite jeans. Not quite there yet but I'm looking forward to it sometime soon. Hopefully by the time Dad and Critty are out here!

We took her to the pediatrician (how humorous is it that I almost wrote "vet" there...like she's a little kitty cat or something) last week because she'd been crying and her belly button looked like a grape. She does have a herniated umbilical cord but they assured us that was not why she was crying. They said it could be colic, it could be acid reflux. Gee, thanks. Either way, she had a fantastic few days following the doctor's visit but now she's back to fussing. Scott has been amazing at calming her down when she gets good and riled up....and I'm learning to just put her down and walk away (something the doctor suggested after I tried the whole "feeding/changing/temperature" thing). In fact, she's screeching right now. But hey, she did have 15 minutes of happiness a little bit ago so I'm just trying to enjoy her when she has her good moments.

On a regular basis, LuLu goes from this:

To this:

She has an interesting personality! She doesn't seem to recognize her own reflection in a mirror and my theory is this: she just thinks that the reflection is another person, so she's not really all that interested in it. Yet if I lay her down on a towel in front of the bathtub, she can see shadows of a reflection and she has a freaking blast playing around, kicking, laughing...so I caught it on camera for you all:


Julie Vaicius said...

Lucy cried a ton in her first six weeks. Sometimes I would have to leave the house it made me so nuts. Hang in there. The bigger she gets, the more satisfied she will be after feedings and the longer she will sleep. Unfortunately, breastfed babies do not sleep through the night as early on as bottlefed babies so don't use James as an example. He started taking formula at 8 weeks and that is (I am convinced) why he started sleeping through the night.

lindavaicius said...

What a nice up-date on baby Luca. Sorry to hear that she is cranky again but i do agree with julie. Just think by the time dad and christy get there not only will you be back in your jeans, luca may have stopped crying and be happy. In any case I loved the pics with her by the tub. I hate to be a pain.....lol. but i think you should get that on video so we can hear her, that would be great. And I do not think you should take her to the vets, leave that to christy & cindy with their dogs, lol.
Hang in there....I love you! dad is counting down the days.