

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Breakdown of Time

Inspired by espn.com's Sports Guy, I thought I'd breakdown my time. So here goes!

Thursday, Oct 18

5:31 pm PST
Youkilis homers. I'm over the moon and bomb over to my fellow Sox fan's cube, while wearing my shitkicker boots (which by the way make a fabulous stomping noise while running with purpose) only to find that said fan has already left for the bar. Boo on him, YAY on Youk!

1-0 Sox.

5:41 pm PST
Grady Sizemore scores and it pisses me off. Tie game.

5:46 pm-6:10 pm
Driving home and I'm pissed because I cannot get the game on radio. I keep trying as if one of the stations will miraculously pick up the game. Once it finally dawns on me that I'm out of luck, I play one of Evanescence's more hard-core songs and rock out while driving to the local Von's for some vino.

6:15-6:30 pm
I rush home, change quickly for kickball and pour some wine in a plastic bottle. My heart is at home though. I want to be watching this freaking game, despite my confidence in Becks, and it shows. I sucked at kickball tonight and I had no qualms with pulling a Manny and asking "Who really gives a fuck?" Sad but true.

6:45-7:30 pm
Kickball. The ump is a Yankee fan but with the loss of Torre, he and I are oddly bonding. Weird.

7:35 pm
Scott's friend Ed suggests that the game is over when I say I want to go home to watch the end. I scoff and wisely declare that the game has at least another hour. I am very, very wise. We arrive home at 7:50pm, I walk the dogs and the game isn't over until after 9 PST. I call Ed and rub it in.

8:32 pm
Still up on the Indians but the cameraman flashes to Gagne sitting in the pen and I have an epileptic seizure.

9 something PM
I dance around like a little kid. And then I ask myself if I should take my anxiety pills now, or just wait until Game 6...two more days.....Schill.......

10:45 pm
And 10 glasses of wine later. Still not calm. Still not confident, but I do like that this is going to Fenway. Currently focused on Game 6. One game at a time. If only Beckett was Superman. If only Manny would run when he should. If only JD Drew actually earned his 15 million per year. If only Coco Crisp had something unique, with the exception of his name.....if only Francona would play the very-hungry Ellsbury.....and if he doesn't, perhaps Epstein will consider Torre for our future.


Christy and Cynthia said...

Yay Red Sox!!! Girlfriend, you gotta have faith! Schill is going to bust out his bloody sock and whoop some Indian ass! According to the announcers last night, Jacoby Ellsbury will play in Coco's place on Saturday. He better...or else I am going to show up at Fenway and open up a can of whoopass on Terry Francona!!! I do have faith, I do believe, and I know that we will see game 7 on Sunday!!! GO RED SOX!!!

lindavaicius said...


lindavaicius said...

Are you kidding????? you are friends with a Yankee fan? huh???

Robincita said...

No, Mom, I said we oddly bonded because we both agreed that what Steinbrenner did to Torre was bullshit. That doesn't mean he's my friend....it just means that for once, a Yankee fan and I agree on something. LOL

lindavaicius said...

Yes, I do agree with you on that, That was wrong.