

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Old Faithful

Before I enter into one of my diatribes, and trust me, that's where this post is headed, I first wanted to wish my little sis a very happy birthday. So Critty, on this 17th day of October 2007, I hope that everyone caters to your wishes and of course, I hope that you have mind-blowing sex later. Happy birthday!

Now that the pleasantries are over, let's discuss what I'm now referring to as Black Tuesday. Black, black Tuesday. And Black Monday. And Black Saturday. I think I'm swimming in an abyss of blackness. I really, really want to dig down deep into the ever-widening pit in my stomach and pull out some faith. Yet what I want and what I can do are two different things.

In the same spirit of my earlier post that resulted in a comment war, have we fallen back into the Sox of old, the Sox who always failed us when we needed it most, the Sox that would find ways to blow a 10 run lead in the ninth, those same Sox who evaded the glory of being World Champs for 86 years? Why would you play Wakefield when your ace pitch has a history of pitching well off of a few days rest? Why wouldn't you want your ace to pitch 3 out of the 7 games? I understand that you'd want to use him against the Rockies but the here's the schtick: YOU HAVE TO GET TO THE SERIES FIRST. I don't care if his back hurts. I don't care if he has a few blisters. I don't care if he has an ass cramp.

Let's talk about another issue I'm having: the disappearance of our bats. It appears that the only people capable of putting up some runs are the usual bash boys, Ortiz and Ramirez. Yes, last night (BLACK BLACK NIGHT) Youkilis contributed and prior to that on BLACK MONDAY Varitek knocked one out, but where is the offense from Pedroia, Crisp and Drew? Why, oh why, would anyone think it's a good idea to put Ellsbury on the bench when Crisp and Drew's bats have been deafeningly quiet?

I've spent a majority of the day focusing on the fact that Beckett is on the mound tomorrow and thus, hoping....no praying...that Thursday will not be painted black as well. I'm focusing on returning to Fenway. I'm focusing on Schill pulling out his renown competitive nature and shutting down the Tribe on his turf. I'm focusing on Francona making a few good decisions: sitting Dice-K, playing Ellsbury and using Beckett in Game 7 to take us to the Promised Land.

I cannot find it in me yet to think about a series with the Rockies. I cannot allow myself to even hope that we somehow pull off a miracle. Twice.


Christy and Cynthia said...

Ok, I'm convinced we have the same mind. The only difference is that you express your thoughts a HELL of a lots better than I do! I was just saying today that they need to sit Dice K, Gagne, Drew, and Coco. They need to put Jacoby's hot ass in the game and let him run crazy around those bases!!! Go Sox! (please)

Stacey said...

Yeah.....what you two said. Ok, i may not be as big of a baseball fan as you two, but I do follow and I know the basics. I truly do. However, I have to say, I know enough to use my nursing skills. If anyone has a blister, I'll band-aid it. If they have an ass cramp, I will most certainly help rub it........LOL. It's my job as a medical professional (almost) to rub ass cramps. That is in my job description right? Ok, I see myself as the head nurse for the sox......go SOX!