

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Another Day, Another Reason to Smile

After today, I am now so much more certain that my decision was correct.

The woman that I would've worked under displayed less-than-honorary tactics. It's OK though. I smiled, raised my eyebrows and kept going. I only have to see her for three more days. So the work front is definitely better and I can definitely sleep at night now, Mom.

We played softball tonight, and because we play in a co-ed league, there are rules to protect people from the hard core aggression of the game. Thus, every base is allowed to be run through (as long as there is no move to the next base) and there is no sliding. There is also what is called a "no obstruction" rule, which means when covering a base, you must consider that the runner will run THROUGH and you cannot block the full base.

OK, so this fucking bitch on the opposite team was playing third. I walked my first time up, and the guy after me doubled. So I'm heading to third and she is all over that base like white on rice, so I put out my hands (now I realize I should've jutted out my elbows instead to spear her into the ground) and knocked her three feet off the bag. Of course, her team starts bitching.

I was safe though because of the rule. Not only that, there was never a throw to third anyway. Bygones. She starts a fight with me. This just gets me good and ready.....I so want to kick her ass that I feel invigorated with the game.

I believe our fight went like this:

Someone from her team: What happened?

She shrugs then says: She ran through me.

Me: You were all over the bag.

Her: Well I'm not going to get out of your way.

Me: Didn't say you had to.

Her: Good because I'm not going to.

Me: Fine, I'll just knock your ass over.

So LITERALLY next inning, we're on the field and Da Bitch is heading toward second. The girl covering second has never played with us before so she's feeling it out. She's all over the bag too and Da Bitch starts complaining. The coach for the other teams starts trying to call the "obstruction rule" BULLSHIT, so I get all vocal. What's good for the goose is good for the gander ... and she was pretty ganderish looking.

Anyway, the ump left it alone thankfully, or I think I would've been objected for shoving some manly slut's face into the dirt.

1 comment:

lindavaicius said...

WoW!!! What an exciting Baseball game you had..However I can't help thinking back to when you were in 1st grade and used to yell at all of the kids to move back so that you could be the 1st in line, remember that??? We went through it every single morning... Funny thing is, even sr Christine "the principal" didn't scare you..... so you haven't change huh?