

Monday, June 11, 2007

Happy Monday

I'm at work and automatically not wanting to be here. As of late, with all the changes, I'm finding myself easily bored. Hey, I'm getting better at Solitaire though! I have an interview today with the other station ... I have mixed feelings over it. On one hand, it's nice to be wanted but on the other, I don't really want to entertain the thought of leaving Fox. However, I have a feeling that over the next few months, they're going to downsize even more and although I have no fear for my job, I know the other assistant may be in danger. Due to my seniority, they would most likely keep me in the position.

JD is so cute! He's such a little cuddler. I took some more pics over the weekend, I'll post them up soon. Buster is getting soooo old and curmudgeonly. He is literally the perfect old man stereotype. He's crusty, cute, stubborn, interesting ... I'll have to try to get some of his quirks on video.

Hey, everyone else has children and they're my babies! LOL By the way, I put a pic of my donkey when I was in Bolivia. No reason, I just thought it was funny and I'm trying to post pics with blogs, not just on the blog template page. Grrrr.

Anyway, was signing on to say Happy Monday! I'm sure everyone's just thrilled!

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