

Monday, June 25, 2007

I Took The Road Not Taken

Thank you all for your advice and support with my difficult decision concerning my job front.

I had the opportunity on Friday afternoon to talk to someone in the business that could be objective and help lead me toward "what I want for my future" so to speak. He was a wonderful confidante and laid out pros and cons of both sides of the argument. I then took the weekend to have fun and go to the Red Sox games. I'll post those pics either tonight or tomorrow too.

Last night, I didn't sleep much because I couldn't stop thinking about what was going to be the right decision for me. I tried to keep loyalty and heart out of it, but in the end I just couldn't fathom going somewhere that didn't make me feel good about myself. I like where I work. I love the people I work with. I couldn't justify leaving here for only a little bit more money .... especially when the insurance cost at the other station would put me to what I now make here at FOX.

I was a nervous wreck this morning because I still had some questions for the GSM here at FOX concerning the new salary. After speaking with him, I had much more confidence in my position here, as well as the possibility for moving over to sales when the opportunity presents itself. So then I had to ask myself: who would I rather be mentored by? The answer was clear. The management team at FOX is so solid, and they carry a wealth of knowledge that will help me be far more successful in this industry in the years to come. So I took the road not taken. I decided to truly work my way up into sales, and not take the easy "gimme" over at the other station. I feel very good about my decision and I'm happy to say that going forward, I know that I will be working under people that WANT me to succeed and will do everything in their power to ensure that.

To make matters even better, when I told the GSM at the other station that I was rescinding my acceptance, she couldn't have been colder. It made me all that much more confident in my decision to stay.

Again, thank you everyone for being so forthright and honest. The support from you was awesome and it's nice to know that when I'm in a pickle, you are all there for me!


lindavaicius said...

I'm so glad that you made your decision and are now feeling better. Now you can get a good nights sleep tonight.Don't forget to post some pics for momma..

Love you,

Stacey said...

Robin (it's Brian) Congrats. This sounds familiar. Seven years ago I had an opportunity to leave Eastern Bank for pastures unclear let alone green. I chose not to go and felt, in retrospect, that it was the wrong decision. At the time, AI Bank was a small player in Boston that is now one of the most formidable in the industry. Lowe and behold, I found that despite working for great people, I needed a change ultimately (that change came just a few short years later). Good luck and don't, for a minute, forget about where you want to go in your career, bacause FOX may. I love you...Brian