

Monday, June 18, 2007


Possible new job on the horizon.

I'm having this crazy inner fight with myself and thankfully, Scott is forcing me to realize it. I got this amazing offer from the station that is splitting from our duopoly. I would probably be the highest paid sales assistant, with the guarantee of a promotion by January. And still, I'm stupid enough to question it.

I want to be greedy, I really do, but I can't help but think of how my departure will affect others, and on top of it all, when I do enter the world of BROADCAST SALES (bum, bum BUUUUUMMMMM), I have zero experience so thus I am expendible. Scott has been amazing in supporting my leap of faith. I suppose that my fear comes from my need to control my life.

I'm most likely going to take it, so I ask from you all that if I do, be kind with your communications with me. I'll have to feel the place out before I start breaking the rules. Emails are cool but phone convos (not like I have too many anyway) will be questionable.

Stay tuned, I have until tomorrow to give my decision.


Christy and Cynthia said...

Good for you sweetcheeks!!! I say that you should take the leap and go for the new job! Me love you long time!!!

lindavaicius said...

I hate making Big decisions so whatever you decide, I'm right behind you as always. Good Luck....
Love you,