

Friday, June 8, 2007


OK, so everyone else is into it, so now they've got me doing it as well. But no, if you tell me to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge, I would not do it. I'd probably push you off in my stead.

Crazy things going on here with me. Work has been kind of tense because we used to have two TV stations working out of one building but now they've officially "divorced" and they're downsizing the company. I don't think I'm in any danger of losing my job, but it is so sad to see people that you've worked with for so long packing their things.

We just got back from Belize and Guatemala a little over a month ago and I already want another adventure!!!! It's so amazing to be in other countries and to experience other cultures. Out of the two, Scott and I both enjoyed the last half of the trip more....Guatemala was incredible as you will probably see from the pics I'll be posting. We did not want to leave but we were flying out of Belize City so we had no choice. We spent our last three days in a small coastal village called Placencia. It only took 9 hours of bus and water taxi travel before we finally arrived. However, Placencia was so relaxing, we even had our own cabana on the beach.

For those of you that are wondering about my writing: I am very close to finishing my first book, which will be in the young adult genre. I'll be sending it out to publishers and agents, so keep your fingers crossed that I'm one of the few that break through. I also just finished a short story that I submitted to the Writer's Digest annual short story contest. It's a bit dark, but very intense. Let me know if you want to read it and I'll email it over.

Scott's enjoying his new job, although he's been very busy over there at the Hilton. He just bought a brand new truck and he's having fun driving it around. The pugs are doing well, although Buster is pretty much blind .... with selective sight. He bumps into so many things but if he sees something move in the shadows, he intensively starts barking. He's a funny little guy. JD has been going on nightly jogs with his mom in order to curtail his weight gain. Funny little pug still thinks of jogging as something fun and exciting.

Hope everyone has been doing well, and check occasionally for a new blog :)
Peace out!


flowerlady said...

Omg! my Grandpugs are so precious....Muah!

flowerlady said...

Welcome Robin & Scott to the Blogspot, I now have 6 Blogs to read daily...hehehe. I think its a great way to keep in touch with everyone, I really enjoy them.

Hugs & Kisses to you both........Muah!